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Q: What is the different between sugar and oil Lewis structure?
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Do sugar isomers have a different formula but form the same structure?

No. An isomer has the same formula but a different structure in some way.

What is the difference between the structure of table salt and table sugar I know one's sweet and one's not but I want to know the difference between the two structures.?

Table salt has a cube structure and table sugar has a hexagonal crystaline structure.

How do you test the structure of sugar?

by measuring it. because if you test the structure of a sugar by measuring you will know what is the structure of the sugar... answer by: heralyn laquezta :)

What is the difference between sugar and dextrose?

Sugar covers a wide range of molecules that include dextrose. However, you are most likely referring to glucose which is the most common simple sugar or monosaccharide. Glucose and dextrose are isomers, meaning they have the same molecular formula (C6H12O6), but a different structure.

What is the structure that enables the sugar glider move?

The skin membrane that enables the sugar glider to glide between high objects is called the patagium.

What is different between ribose and deoxyribose?

Ribose and deoxyribose are both sugars. They have identical chemical structure except that ribose has a hydroxyl group (OH) on carbon 2, while deoxyribose is without an oxygen on carbon 2 (H). Ribose is the sugar component of the structure of RNA (ribonucleic acid) and deoxyribose is the sugar component in DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid).

What is the difference between granulated sugar and regular sugar?

Most people say "sugar" to mean granulated sugar. Different sugars are pure cane sugar and confectionery sugar (the powdered kind).

What was carl lewis's contribution to society?

he liked sugar so he donated sugar to the society

Do salt and sugar make cocaine?

No. Salt and sugar are combined all the time in cooking, and no cocaine is formed. In addition to have a different structure from sugar and salt, Cocaine contains nitrogen, which is not found in salt or sugar. Cocaine is derived from the coca plant, and has nothing to do with salt and sugar.

What is the formula for sugar?

It depends what type of sugar you mean... glucose is C6H12O6. All sugars contain arrangements of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.

What is the difference between sugar and salt?

Salt and sugar have different chemical appearences and shapes. Their taste is also different!

Why is sugar dissolved in water?

The chemical structure of sugar remain unchanged.