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Heat cause excitation of electrons and molecular vibration. More heat is the more molecular vibration and at the certain point when the energy in molecular vibration exceed the bonding energy, the molecules or atom then set free from the solid bonding and move freely. In absent of atmospheric pressure, the solid would become gas but with the pressure or presence of other gases, the matter may be mobile yet held together in liquid state. The liquid, with more heat, the energy from molecular excitation would set such liquid to become gas.

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Heat is energy. When energy is added to atoms they move faster. Solids are the slowest atoms and are more packed into a volume of space, liquid is next and gas atoms are most dispersed (moving real fast). So adding heat to solid turns it into liquid and eventually into gas. Conversely taking heat away (cooling down) turns gas into liquid and then into solid.

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Q: What is the effect of heat on solid liquid and gas?
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What is the effect of heat on liquied?

The effect of heat on anything (gas, solid or liquid) is the same. Heat is energy and the application of energy to a system will increase the motion of the molecules in that system.

Is there a release or absorption at heat in phase change?

It depends on the phase change. When going from solid to liquid (melting), liquid to gas (boiling), or solid to gas (sublimation) heat is absorbed. When going from gas to liquid (condensation), liquid to solid (freezing), and gas to solid (deposition) heat is released.

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when water gains or loses heat, it changes its state. When liquid water gains heat, it changes its state from liquid to gas. It becomes water vapor. When solid gains heat, it melts an changes its state from solid to liquid. When gas loses heat, it condenses into liquid. Gas, to liquid. When liquid loses heat, it becomes solid

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To get a solid to a liquid you have to apply heat and melt it, and to get a liquid to a gas it has to evaporate. If you are talking about a solid going into a gas, then I don't know.

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Heat the solid until it becomes a liquid or a gas.

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1. a liquid changes to a solid. This process is called freezing, and involves the loss of heat.

What are the effects of heat on solid and gas?

Changes to a Liquid.

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Change from solid to liquid to gas require energy. Change from gas to liquid to solid emit energy.

What happens when a solid a liquid and gas when it changes its state?

Well solid to liquid the heat speeds up the molecules and same for liquid to gas but from liquid to solid the coolant slows the molecules down

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a gas depending on the liquid, eventually gas.

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yes it does