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If an object is negatively charged, it has an excess of electrons. If it is positively charged, there are atoms which are short of electrons so you observe the positive charges of the atomic nuclei which are no longer balanced by the electrons that were normally in place.

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Q: What is the electric charges that builds up on an object that has gained or lost electrons?
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How are electric charges measured?

the electric charges is measured in terms of electrons gained or is expressed in colombos .

What are the charges of ion that has gained electrons?


What an atom that has gained or lost electrons causing an electric charge?


An atom that has gained or lost electrons causing an electric charge?

The answer would be ion :D

What is the charge on a single atom that has not gained or lost electrons?

Such an atom would be neutral - no electric charge.

How do you get different charges?

Different charges result from the loss of one or more electrons, or the gaining of one or more electrons forming ions. Atoms that lose electrons develop a positive charge equal to the number of electrons lost. Atoms that gain electrons develop a negative charge equal to the number of electrons gained.

Why do objects become positively or negatively charged?

An item becomes positively or negatively charged through losing/gaining electrons. As electrons are lost the item becomes positive, and as electrons are gained the item becomes negative. (Electrons are negative charges and protons are positive charges.) An item cannot lose protons, as protons are fixed. Gaining/losing electrons can be gained by charging by friction, contact, or induction (through the air).

Atoms that have gained or lost electrons have charges and are attached to one another forming?

An ionic bond.If electrons are transferred between atoms, then it is ionic, but if they are shared, then it is covalent.

What is an atom called when it no longer has a neutral charge?

An atom with no electric charge will be called a neutral atom. In a neutral atom, there is a balance of charges, and the number of protons will be equal to the number of electrons. It's really that simple. Compare this to atoms that have an imbalance of charges. These atoms are called ions.

If a plastic ruler is rubbed with a cloth does the ruler obtain a positive charge?

Because electrons will be transferred from the cloth to the insulating rod. But the charge will be negative.

What is a chemical change in which electrons are gained?

A chemical change in which electrons are gained is a reduction.

When an object gains or loses electrons has it an electric charge?

That depends entirely on sign of the charge. If the object gains a positive charge, then that means the object as lost electrons, since electrons are negatively charge. If the charge is negative, then the object has gained electrons. It is also possible that the charge was created by a movement in protons, which are positively charged, in which case the object may not have lost or gained electrons.