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Noble gas
An atom's atomic number tells us its number of protons and electrons. Checking the Periodic Table for the element having an atomic number of 18, we find that it is argon. Argon's electron configuration is 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6, which has all of its energy levels filled.

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13y ago

In reference to the valence electron configuration - 2, 8, 18 ect..?

A noble gas. Found at the very right of the periodic table

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they are called transition metals

hope this helped!

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11y ago

The element with atomic number 18 is argon. Its electron configuration is [Ne]3s23 p6. Its electron level arrangement is 2, 8, 8.

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Q: What is the electron configuration called that has 18 electrons in the outer energy level?
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The set of numbers that shows the arrangement of electrons in their shells is known as the electron configuration. It is based on the principle that electrons fill the lowest energy levels first before moving to higher energy levels. The electron configuration is typically represented by a series of numbers and letters indicating the number of electrons in each energy level and orbital.

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The valence electrons are the outermost (highest energy) s and p sublevels. There are 5 valence electrons in a phosphorus atom, and it is in period 3, so its valence electron configuration is 3s23p3.

What is an atom's electron configuration?

The arrangement of electrons in an atom.

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Electron Configuration

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Hydrogen's electron configuration is 1s1. It has only one electron. It is located in the first energy level.

What is the electron configuration of an element?

The electron configuration of an element shows the number of electrons in their energy levels and orbitals. For example, the electron configuration of a neutral magnesium atom, Mg, with 12 electrons, is 1s22s22p63s2. This means that there are two electrons in the s orbital of the first energy level, two electrons in the s orbital and six electrons in the p orbital of the second energy level, and two electrons in the s orbital of the third energy level. The number in front of each letter represents the energy level, the letter represents the orbital, and the superscripts represent the number of electrons in the orbital.

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