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Q: What is the electron source that helps reduce carbon dioxide to sugars and other organic molecules?
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What describes the carbon atoms present in all organic molecules?

they are ultimately derived from carbon dioxide

What can make organisms organic molecules from water and carbon dioxide?


Why carbon dioxide is not an organic compound?

Organic compounds contain a carbon atom covalently bonded to a hydrogen. Carbon dioxide is very important in organic chemistry and carbon chemistry in general, but it is not organic because it contains only carbon and oxygen ... no hydrogen.

Athomospheric carbon dioxide is incorporated into organic molecules in a process known as?

Calvin Cycle

Is carbon dioxide a protein?

Carbon dioxide is a inorganic compound (CO2) made up of carbon and two oxygen molecules, proteins are organic compounds of amino acids.

The use of light energy by organisms to convert water and carbon dioxide into organic molecules is?


All organic molecules contain carbon atoms that ultimately can be traced back in the food chain to?

Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Are hydrocarbons a part of organic compounds?

No. Hydrocarbons are organic molecules. Organic chemistry is defined as the chemistry of carbon-based molecules.

What is true about organic molecules?

There were incorporated into organic molecules by plants, they were processed into sugars through photosynthesis, and they are ultimately derived from carbon dioxide.

How is a carbon dioxide molecule produced in a hepatocyte?

Carbon dioxide molecules produced in heptaocyte occur from the molecule's main electron valance functions, as the spinning of the positive and negative forces combine to produce the carbon dioxide.

How are organic molecules used in producers and consumers?

Organic molecules contain a carbon-hydrogen bond, whereas inorganic molecules do not. Organic molecules Compound=Molecules Chemicals of life Compounds that are composed of more than one type of element, Found in all living organisms Produced by living organism Any molecules that has carbon in it: With the exception of: Carbon dioxide, carbon minx Carbonates. Jack, hope that helps :)

What is the defining characteristic of organic molecules?

Organic chemistry is defined as 'the chemistry of compounds of Carbon'. Or, more accurately, compounds containing carbon-hydrogen bonds. (For example, carbon dioxide doesn't count as organic.)