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RNA polymerase

*the ending "ase", shows that it's an enzyme.

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Q: What is the enzyme that unzips DNA for translation?
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What enzyme unzips the DNA double helix?

The enzyme Helicase unzips the DNA double helix

What is an example of a biological enzyme?

DNA helicase. This is the enzyme that "unzips" DNA.

The enzyme amylase un zips or winds the DNA strand?

The enzyme helicase unzips the DNA strand not amylase.

What does the helicase enzyme do?

Helicase is an enzyme involved in DNA replication. It unwinds and unzips the parental DNA strand.

What process begins when DNA unzips?

DNA replication or the translation/transcription process begins when a Helicase moves down a DNA strand and unzips it to allow for replication.

What is necessary for transcription?

DNA polymerase is the enzyme that "unzips" the complementary DNA strands allowing mRNA to transcribe, or copy, a section of DNA.

What enzyme is necessary for transcription?

The enzyme RNA polymerase transcribes DNA. This enzyme initiates transcription, joins the RNA nucleotides together, and terminates.

What is a sentence with RNA?

Helicase is an enzyme that unzips RNA.

What enzymes help separate the two strands of nucleotides in DNA?

DNA Polymerase is the enzyme that seperates the two strands so that messenger RNA can read the genetic information of the DNA. The mRNA then moves two tranfer RNA so that Protien synthesis may occur.

Whether enzyme is bigger or DNA is bigger in molecular size and how do we conclude that?

enzyme is nothing but the protein which is formed from DNA by translation through transcription of a particular region of the DNA . so obviously the DNA is larger than the enzyme in molecular size.

What enzyme is responsible for unwinding the DNA molecule for replication?

DNA Helicase is the enzyme responsible for unzipping DNA before replication occurs.

How are the rungs of the DNA ladder broken as the DNA molecule unzips?

The rugs of DNA are Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine, and Thymine. When DNA replication occurs and the ladder has to be broken, an enzyme called "helicase" starts at the replication fork and unwinds the DNA ladder. Helicase breaks the rugs of DNA.