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It's the hyoid bone.

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Q: What is the floating bone in the human neck?
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What is the free floating bone in the neck?

The Hyoid Bone.

Scientific name for floating bone in neck?

i think it is called the hyoid bone

How many bone in human neck?

There are seven cervical (neck) vertebra.

What is the first bone in the human neck called?


What is the Only floating bone in the body?

The only floating bone in the human body is the hyoid. It is a U-shaped bone about 2 inches long, running parallel to the ground, and covers the voicebox, being held in place by three sets of muscles, the tongue muscles.

Why is the human neck bone so important?

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Where is the hyloid bone?

A bone in anterior part of neck. Superior to thyroid carilage. Inferior to stylohyloid muscle.

How many bones make up the hyoid in a human?

I don't have a hyphoid, and you don't either. We do however, have a hyoid bone; a horse-shoe-shaped bone lying at the base of the tongue.

Which bones are not connected?

The hyoid is the only bone in the body that does not form a joint with any other bone so it is called a floating bone.The hyoid is the only bone in the body that does not form a joint with any other bone so it is called a floating bone.

Which is the movable bone in human skull and face?

The mandible, or the jaw bone.

Do your neck have bone?

Well, there is bone in the form of your spine in the back of your neck, but in the front there is cartilage.

What axial skeleton bone is the only one in the body that does not articulate with another bone?

the hyoid bone, also known as lingual bone, it is in the neck. it's supported by the muscles of the neck and supports the root of the tongue.