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Q: What is the flow of electrical charges from one point to another is called what?
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Do charges in an electric circuit flow because of a difference in electrical potential energy?

"voltage" (also referred to as 'potential')

How is produce current?

Current is created when electrical charges move through a wire or other conductor. It can be produced by rotating magnetic fields (as in a generator) or by connecting a source of higher electrical potential (charge) to one of lower electrical potential, which can cause the movement of charges from one point to another.

What is in an electric wire?

An Electrical wire is used to flow the electrons from one point another point . Copper or aluminum is insulated with polythine is called wire

What is a electrical circuit?

An electrical circuit is a path which electrons from a current source flow. Electric current flows in a closed path called an electric circuit. The point where those electrons enter an electrical circuit is called the "source" of electrons. The point where the electrons leave an electrical circuit is called the "return". The exit point is called the "return" because electrons always end up at the source when they complete the path of an electrical circuit. The part of an electrical circuit that is between the electrons' starting point and the point where they return to the source is called an electrical circuit's "load". ---Nerd

Does electrical force vary directly or inversly with the greater distance?

Fe = kq1q2 / r2 where k = 1/4πε, (ε is the electrical permittivity of free space), q1 and q2 are the two point charges, and r is the distance between the point charges. Therefore, electrical force varies inversely with distance, or to be more specific, they follow an inverse-square relationship.

Why is electrical conductor important?

The electrical conductor is important because it transfers electricity from one point to another.

Will there be a current between the two points if the electrical potential energy at one point in a circuit is greater than the electrical potential energy at another point?


What is the direction of electrostatic field?

The Force on a point charge from another point charge is along the Line connecting between the two charges. The direction will be towards the point charge if the two charges are different and away if they are same.Now if you collection of Charges then it is vector sum of force due to each charge.

On an electrical three phase contactor what is A1?

A1 is a termination point on a contactor it is an alseriery going to another point.

Do man-made magnets have no charges?

Man-made permanent magnets are not so different from naturally-occurring magnets.In the case of a permanent magnet, electrical charges are irrelevant. The magnet may, or may not, have an electrical charge, but that doesn't affect the magnetism. An electromagnet works by electrical currents, which is a flow of charges. The electromagnet, however, doesn't need to have any net charge. In other words, any charge would go in at one point of the magnet but an equivalent charge would go back out at some other point.

How close would you have to bring 3 C of positive charge and 3 C of negative charge for them to exert forces of 1 N on one another?

The equation for an electrical force between two point charges: F = k*q1*q2/r^2, where F = the attractive or repulsive electrical force [N] k = electrical constant = 8.99x109 [N m2 C-2] q1 and q2 are the magnitude of the two point charges in question [C] r = the separation between the two point charges [m] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Since q1 = 3 [C] and q2 = -3 [C], F is negative in sign --> attractive force. Rearranging the force expression, we have r = sqrt {k*q1*q2/F} = sqrt {-8.99x109*3*3/-1} = 2.844x105 [m]. ==============================

What is an electric current as the rate of flow of charges?

Yes, that's basically what "electrical current" means.