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The word "flagella" is plural so the proper term to use for this question would be "flagellum". A flagellum is an organ of locomotion in single cell organisms. In other words, the flagellum help the organism move around.

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13y ago

The function of flagella in a cell is that it provides locomotion, which is the power or ability to move.

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9y ago

Locomotion. Bacteria use their flagella like propellers, allowing them to travel to a location with a richer food supply or in the case of algae to a place with more sunlight.

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Q: What is the function of flagella in a cell?
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What is the major function of flagella?

The major function of the flagella is to move the cell. It's like a long whip which helps it move around and stuff.

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Bacteria do not have cilia. They have fimbriae and flagella.

What is the function of flagella?

A flagella enables an organism to travel. Flagella are whip like tails that are used to propel the organism forward.

Where can flagella be found?

Flagellum, (plural flagella) is mainly found on sperm, its the tail.

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Flagella. The flagella helps the sperm cell to move.

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The Flagella

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Cilia and flagella help the cell to 'swim' in the body and move around. They're like tails or tentacles.

What is a function of flagella?

A flagellum is similar to a tail, but on a cell. It aids the cell in movement.Both Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic cells can have flagella, and they can have differences such as protein compsition, structure and mechanism of propulsion.The most obvious example of a eukaryotic cell with flagella is the sperm cell, which it has for clear reasons.Trivia!:The word flagellum is also the latin word for whip!

What is prokaryotic cell movement attributed to?

cilia and flagella

What color is flagella?

Flagella are usually the color of the cell.

Is flagella a virus?

Flagella is not a virus. It is a tail-like protrusion of a cell body. A sperm cell has a flagella which is integral to itd locomotion.

How are flagella similar to cilia in structure and function?

They are used for cell movement.