

What is the function of the amylase?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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11y ago

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The function of amylase is to break starch (a polysaccharide) into maltose in the mouth and duodenum.

Maltose is then made into glucose (a polysaccharide) using maltase in the duodenum only

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10y ago

amylase is a carbohydrate digesting enzyme that converts carbs into dextrins and then into maltose

Amylase is the enzyme that hydrolyzes amylose.
Amylase breaks down carbohydrates in your mouth, stomach, and small intestine. It is a catalyst, which means it speeds up reactions (like digestion in this case) and lowers the activation energy.

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11y ago

In saliva to make starch

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when an amylase gets too hot the amylase begins to break down the amylase and the reaction slows down dramatically to where it cannot function properly anymore

Does amylase have proteins?

Amylase is an enzyme which is chemically proteins. The function is to catalyses the conversion of starch in to sugars. There are different kind of amylases such as alpha-, beta amylase exist.

How is the shape of amylase related to its function?

the shape of amylase allows it to have the right shape of active site that it will combine with starch and break it down into disaccharides and monosaccharides which will provides us glucose for body to function

How does amylase function in the breakdown of complex carbohydrates?

Pancreatic amylase breaks down carbohydrates in the pancreas by chemically destroying the molecules.

What enzyme is produced by the pancreas and the salivary glands?

Amylase is the enzyme made in the salivary glands and the pancreas. Its function is to break down complex carbohydrates, sometimes called starches.. In the mouth they are called salivary amylase and in the small intestine they are called pancreatic amylase. This enzyme is also known as ptyalin.

What pH does salivary amylase function best?

The optimum pH of salivary amylase is 6.8 (slightly acidic).

What chemical helps in providing the ideal pH for pancreatic amylase to function in the human body?


What best describes the exocrine function of the pancreas?

The exocrine function of the pancreas is to produce digestive enzymes (lipase, amylase, peptidases) that are deposited into the duodenum.

What enzyme dissolves starch?

Amylase enzymes.

What is the name of the enzyme that digests starch?


Would amylase be active in the stomach?

Salivary amylase works well around pH 7 (inside the mouth), but inside the stomach are gastric juices which contain HCl. Since the HCl drops the pH of the solution significantly, it denatures the amylase so that it will no longer function as it normally would, breaking down starch and glycogen.

What is the function of pancreatic amylase in human digestive system?

The primary function of the enzyme amylase is to break down starches in food so that they can be used by the body. Amylase testing is usually done to determine the cause of sudden abdominal pain.