

What is the heaviest known element?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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11y ago

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The heaviest known molecules are inprecise polymer chains, which vary greatly in length. A good example of this is DNA. In higher life forms DNA is made up of millions of base pairs (building blocks) which form long chains. While these base pairs can exist as monomers (single-units), the polymers (chains of units) they form are single molecules. With each base pair accounting for approximately 660 g/mol, chains of these can get quite heavy. For example, the largest human chromosome (chain of base pairs) is about 220 million base pairs long. Multiplying by the weight per base pair, we see that the weight of 1 molecule of this chromosome is close to 1.5 x 10^11 g/mol

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8y ago

The heaviest stable isotope is Lead-208 (Bismuth-209 is heavier but decays with a halflife several orders of magnitude longer than the age of the Universe).

The heaviest "naturally occurring" isotope is Uranium-238.

The heaviest isotope created in experiments is an isotope of element 118 with mass number 294 (this element has no official name).

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Iridium and osmium.

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I think it is Osmium (Os)

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Q: What is the heaviest known element?
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Which is the heaviest radioactive element?

The heaviest natural radioactive element is Uranium.Man made elements are continuously being made. The latest heaviest superheavyweight man made element to be discovered is element 117 (it is still so new that it hasn't been given a name yet).A little different bit of information about Fermium, a team has captured a piece of its spectrum-the wavelengths of light it absorbs-making it the heaviest element ever to be so measured. It was made in the 1952 detonation of the first thermonuclear bomb. It does not make it as the heaviest element, just the heaviest to have it's light spectrum captured.

Is hydrogen the heaviest element?

If we are talking about elements here, hydrogen is not the heaviest. In fact, hydrogen is the lightest element. There are two ways of answering this question, depending on how you define 'heaviest'. The heaviest element in terms of heaviest per a given number of atoms is the element with the highest atomic weight. This is the element with the largest number of protons, which is presently element 118, ununoctium. When a heavier element is discovered (e.g., element 120), then that will become the new heaviest element. Ununoctium is the heaviest element, but it is man-made. The heaviest naturally-occurring element is uranium (atomic number 92, atomic weight 238.0289). Another way to look at heaviness is in terms of density, which is mass per unit volume. Either of two elements can be considered the element with the highest density: osmium and iridium. The density of the element depends on many factors, so there isn't a single number for density that would allow us to identify one element or the other as the most dense. Each of these elements weigh approximately twice as much as lead. The calculated density of osmium is 22.61 g/cm3 and the calculated density of iridium is 22.65 g/cm3, though the density of iridium has not been experimentally measured to exceed that of osmium.

Worlds heviest man- made element?

This element is ununoctium - atomic number 118; uuo is an artificial element. I suppose that you think to atomic mass and not to density.

What is the heaviest element with a one letter atomic symbol?


What family is the franium part of?

Francium (the element) is the heaviest element in the alkali metals group (Group I) of the periodic table.

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What is heaviest element on the periodic table of elements?

The heaviest element in the periodic table (known in March 2013) is ununoctium.

Is osmium the heaviest element known to man?

The information in the question 'What is the heaviest element?' should answer this. Access this by the web link below.

What is the heaviest element known to exist naturally on earth in quantities detectable by purely chemical test methods?

Now californium is considered as the heaviest naturally occurring chemical element.

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The heaviest (hevest?) naturally occurring element is Uranium (238 a.m.u.) but the heaviest known element is atom number 114, 117 or 118, the exact mass being unknown but over 250.

What is the heavist element in the periodic table?

The heaviest stable element is bismuth, atomic number 83, atomic weight 208.9804). Any heavier element is radioactive, which means it decays into lighter elements - uranium, the heaviest naturally occurring element, will eventually decay into lead-207.

Heaviest element that is highly radioactive?

The heaviest element that is highly radioactive is Ununoctium, which has an atomic number of 118.

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What is the heaviest usable metal?

Bismuth (Bi) is the heaviest nonradioactive element but the next heaviest is Lead (Pb) and that is much more commonly used. The heaviest element that is naturally occurring, and also usable, though radioactive, is Uranium (U).

Which is the heaviest radioactive element?

The heaviest natural radioactive element is Uranium.Man made elements are continuously being made. The latest heaviest superheavyweight man made element to be discovered is element 117 (it is still so new that it hasn't been given a name yet).A little different bit of information about Fermium, a team has captured a piece of its spectrum-the wavelengths of light it absorbs-making it the heaviest element ever to be so measured. It was made in the 1952 detonation of the first thermonuclear bomb. It does not make it as the heaviest element, just the heaviest to have it's light spectrum captured.

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The heaviest element that can be produced prior to supernova is Iron (Fe).

What is the heaviest element in group one of the periodic table?

This element is francium.