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mitosis is the the cell cycle another name for it if zeman, this is important because it help heal wounds and cure goy mamik cancer, it is the only cancer it will cure it will not cure any ohtre cancer, it is also important because it pumps blood to the koon which is inside your brain

hope that helps >:)

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Because it is the system by which plants and animals grow.When the cell divides a complete copy of the first cell's DNA must be replicated in the new cell.

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9y ago

Mitosis is important because it is the only way for some organisms to reproduce without having sex. It also creates more cells.

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12y ago

It is important to have mitosis because if our cells don't replace themselves we would age much faster and life expectancey would go down

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14y ago

so a cell can replicate, essential in grows, reproduction and repair.

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It is how every cell comes to life after the sperm hits the egg

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Q: What is mitosis and why is it important?
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What are steps of mitosis and why is mitosis important?

The steps of mitosis include prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase, followed by cytokinesis. Mitosis is important for the growth, repair, and maintenance of an organism's cells. It ensures that each new cell receives an accurate copy of the genetic material, allowing for the production of identical daughter cells.

Why is mitosis important for a kitten to have?

Mitotic cell division is important to the growth of a kitten.

What important changes occur to the chromosomes and the nucleus of prophase of mitosis?

something very important

What is the product of mitosis?

Mitosis is the production in which the nucleus divides to form two identical nuclei.Chromosones play an important part in mitosis.

Why is mitosis important to repairing injuries?

Mitosis is important because cells need to reproduce to form new cells to repair the area that has been damaged and replace cells that have been lost

What animals undergo mitosis?

both. mitosis is for growth and development while meiosis is for creating gametes in order to continue the species

Why is it important for the chomosome to make copies of themselves BEFORE mitosis occurs?

Because it has to duplicate itself before it goes through the process of mitosis.

How is mitosis important for a developing baby?

Mitosis is the process of cells dividing, making more cells. As more mitosis occurs, more cells are made, and thus, the organism as a whole grows.

What type of cell division Mitosis or meiosis is important in genetic study?
