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Q: What is the interaction of a ball bounce from the ground?
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How do you bounce ball in basketball?

you bounce a ball in basketball by hitting the ball against the ground.

Which ball size will bounce the highest?

Bounce height will not depend on the ball's radius. It will however depend on the material of the ball and the speed at which it hits the ground

Why do balls bounce?

The balls bounce because gravity is what pulls the falling ball towards the ground! As it falls the ball gains energy from its movement

Why does a basket ball bounce high?

Because as the basket ball hits the ground, all the air in the ball gets pushed from the bottom of the ball to the top which causes it to bounce back up.

Why differences surfaces affect how high a ball bounces?

Some surfaces absorb the impact of the ball, thus not "reflecting" the force upward. If you try to bounce a ball on a matress it probably won't bounce much, because much of the impact is absorbed by the matress. If you bounce a ball on the street. You will definetely see a much better response. This is because the ground is not very flexible and does not absorb impact, so most of the strength that is put into throwing the ball downwards is returned.

Do height and weight affect how high a ball bounce fall off the ground?


What type of ball will bounce highest?

A bounce ball will bounce the highest!!!!!!!!!

What makes a golf ball bounce?

AnswerIt has to do with the material a golf ball is made out of. It is a extremely strong material. A golf ball needs to bounce high to be able to get hit by a golf club and fly through the air and hit the ground and bounce. Due to that information a golf ball will bounce highest compared to almost ANY other balls. A golf ball is the winner of bouncing the highest.

What Ball Would Not Bounce?

A glass ball will not bounce.

Why does the bouncy ball bounce higher the first time it bounces?

The ground absorbs some of the energy.

How does the height of a ball affect the height of its bounce?

the potential energy gets changed into kinetic energy so when it hits the ground it will bounce back up.

Why is a tennis ball warmer when you bounce it?

The transfer of energy from your racket and the ground to the ball causes its particles to move faster, which causes heat.