

What is the lanuage spoken in Scotland?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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Scottish English ( English conditioned by two older languages Gaelic & older Scots in accent,vocabulary,grammar) Gaelic is still spoken as native language in the Highlands.

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Q: What is the lanuage spoken in Scotland?
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Gaelic is spoken is Scotland. [Gaeilge is spoken in parts of Ireland].

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Gaelic is a language often spoken in the highlands of Scotland.

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What languages are spoken in Galloway Scotland?

Both in Galloway in Scotland and Galway in Ireland, which you could mean, English is the main language spoken. Scots Gaelic and Irish Gaelic are also spoken in those respective areas.

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Gaelic (referred to as Irish in Ireland), is spoken by a small minority in Northern Ireland. Gaelic (pronounced Gah-lick in Scotland) is spoken by some people, mostly in the Highlands and Western Islands of Scotland, and Welsh is spoken in Wales, mostly in the North and rural areas.

Which of these countries has a largely Nordic and Gaelic population?

No... Gaelic is not even spoken across the whole of the UK (the UK being more than one country). Gaelic is pokemm in Ireland and Scotland.

What is No in Scotland?

No is often spoken as nae or naw, depending on the context.