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The head of the Orthodox Church is Jesus Christ. The spiritual leaders are the four Ancient Patriarchates (ie. Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch, Jerusalem) followed by the leaders of the "Autocephalous" (self-governing) churches, such as Moscow, Greece, Serbia, etc. The Orthodox Church has no pope as the sole leader. The highest authority in the Orthodox Church is an Ecumenical Council (or Synod) that consists of the spiritual leaders (or their representatives) from the whole Orthodox world.

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Q: What order does the leadership roles in the orthodox church?
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It depends upon the denomination. Some denominations (such as Roman Catholicism, Plymouth Bretheren, and some Orthodox and Baptist churches) are very male dominated refusing any sort of leadership roles for women, although in Roman Catholicism, nuns have a heriarchical structure under the Mothers Superior, but even these leaders are subservient to the male priests. In most other denominations, however, especially Methodism and Anglicanism there are no such restrictions in roles due to the person's gender. As an example, women are able to be ministers in the Methodist Church and can be priests and bishops in the Anglican Church, the Church of England having recently voted for women bishops. In fact there are no roles within these churches that cannot be performed by men and not women. This reflects much better the early Christian churches that can be read about in Paul's letters, and which can be studied through archaeological evidence, in which women frequently took a leadership role.

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funk you\\\!

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Is there any time that deacons in a church can make decisions without bringing to the congregation?

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What leadership roles have you had?

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