

How long can lobsters live?

Updated: 10/8/2023
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11y ago

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The c rayfish starts its life as an egg. The female and male crayfish mate and the female lays hundreds of eggs. The eggs attach to the swimmerets/tail of the female and when the eggs hatch, they are fully formed, albeit tiny. They stay with the mother for 1-2 weeks. In 2 weeks, the crayfish is about 1 centimeter long. This is when the crayfish will venture out on their own. They reach full adult size at 3-4 months. The average lifespan out in the wild is 3-8 years. --third grade teacher

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11y ago

Answer 1:

There are many different types of lobsters but assuming you mean the Atlantic lobster, generally they live around 15 years, but can live to over 50.

Answer 2:

Actually lobsters can live much longer than that (if they are not eaten or killed by other means). It takes about seven years for a lobster to get big enough to eat. But they have been known to live for more than 100 years.

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11y ago

first start as an egg, than as a baby crayfish, then a teenager crayfish, and at last an adult crayfish

Thomas Uchiha: The answer above is really not a scientific answer.

The crayfish starts its life as an egg. The female and male crayfish mate and the female lays hundreds of eggs. The eggs attach to the swimmerets/tail of the female and when the eggs hatch, they are fully formed, albeit tiny. They stay with the mother for 1-2 weeks. In 2 weeks, the crayfish is about 1 centimeter long. This is when the crayfish will venture out on their own. They reach full adult size at 3-4 months. The average lifespan out in the wild is 3-8 years.

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