

What is the light dependent of cell respiration?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What is the light dependent of cell respiration?
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Does night and day affect cellular respiration in a plant?

No, respiration is continuous. Photosynthesis stops at night, as it is light dependent.

What is the first stage of photosynthesis is?

cell wall

When does the plant cell complete the process of respiration in order to get energy?

When there is no light for the photosynthesis... =]

Where does light dependent occur in the chloroplast?

Light- independent reactions of photosynthesis occur in the stroma of the chloroplasts of a cell.

Does light affects cellular respiration in algae?

Yes, actually. Algae at different depths below sea level have adapted over time to use the available light for cell respiration.

When do plants do photosynthesis and respiration?

In general, green plants photosynthesize during the day or when light is on the leaves, and respire at night, or in the dark. As its name implies, photosynthesis is a light dependent process.

What is the cell organelle for cellular respiration?

Cell respiration occurs in the mitochondria.

What is the independent variable of the Cellular Respiration?

i think this is the dependent and that is the independent. Edited answer: Anaerobic respiration

Why is a low rate of respiration an adaptation to low light intensities?

In order to store energy, the plants need to photosynthesise at a greater rate than they perform respiration. In low light intensities, less photosynthesis can occur, as there is less light energy available for the light-dependent stage. Therefore, if less respiration is occurring, this allows for the lower rate of photosynthesis, thus allowing the plant to still store energy.

WHAT IS The process in which the body's cells are nourished and energized?

Cell Respiration

Where in the cell are the enzymes that carry out the light dependent reactions called?

in a plant cell, there are things called chloroplasts. in these is chlorophyll, which are what absorb the light from the sun and also give leaves their green colour.

What takes place in a cell's mitochondria?

Aerobic respiration takes place. It generates energy in cell