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Black bandanas are the colours of gang members based in Radford. Red is st. Anns, blue the meadows.

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Q: What is the meaning of a black bandana in Nottingham?
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Meaning of wearing yellow bandana?

There are quite a few possible meanings of wearing a yellow bandana. The most common meaning is to support cancer victims and live strong.

Which Word links Black New and Nottingham?

Most probably, it would be forest, giving you the Black Forest, New Forest and Nottingham Forest.

What is the black bandana on wrist mean?

Pirates - gang related, meaning affiliated with different gangs, but not IN any of them. If a girl is wearing it sometimes it can mean her BF or homie is in prison.

Can nortenos were black bandana?

yes, because we rep the red N black scraps rep the gray N flue But There Are Foos That Rock Black Bandanas And Can Be Northern Affiliated. In Other Words The Black Bandana Is Opposite Of White White = Suxrrender Black= Withstand

What gang Where is an orange bandana?

raiders in Nottingham wear orange bally No, its CHAAD DE21 ALL DAY ORANGE BALLY Cherry City Hardcore in Salem, OR wear black with orange and the hoover crips in Portland, OR wear Orange

What gang does the black bandana stand for?

it shows wat gang u in and wat set u claim

What does wearing a Bandana on the right side mean?

Wearing a red Bandana on the right side shows your affiliation with a Blood gang set. Wearing a bandana is called flagging, and the meaning depends on the color. See

What does wearing a black Bandana around your Right wrist mean?

Pirates - gang related, meaning affiliated with different gangs, but not IN any of them. If a girl is wearing it sometimes it can mean her BF or homie is in prison.

What does wearing a purple bandana mean?

A person wearing a purple bandana could just be the choice in color is appealing to the person. Some people associate the color with a meaning. This is a matter of opinion to the culture of the area or an assigned meaning by a group of people.

Why do Bloods and Crips wear Black bandanas?

crips can wear any color bandana except red bloods can wear any color bandana except blue cz up

What is a sentence for bandana?

My bandana is soaked with sweat. I like that camouflaged bandana.

What language did bandana come from?

A bandana (or bandanna) is a large silk or cotton handkerchief or neckerchief. It is a Hindi word 'Bandhnu' and relates to tie dying. This word derives from Sanskrit 'Bandhnati' meaning he ties