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Q: What is the most widely held ideal of the US political culture belief in a limited government that protects individual liberties belief in a unitary government and centralized decision making belief i?
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What early political party fear that a strong federal government would endanger peoples liberties?

The Anti-Federalists feared strong centralized government and favored the individual and States having more power than the federal government.

What is the most widely held of ideal of the US political culture?

Belief in a limited government that protects individual liberties

What political power is Federalism based on?

A centralized government.

How are the ideas of individual liberties and limited government linked?

1.The more powerful individuals are the more powerful their liberties and the less powerful and more limited the government. 2. The concept of individual liberties is most appreciated and valued in a political system with limited government intervention and free market enterprise. The United States is and has been going through a transformation for several decades which progressively increases the size and extent of both State and Federal government. For political definitions, please visit and htpp://

What is the most widely held ideal of the US political culture?


Civil liberties are?

restrictions on government action that are intended to protect political freedoms

What Is a Centralized Government?

Central government is the area of the government that is concerned with national issues like taxation, etc.

Europeans desire for less control from a centralized government and greater local political Anatomy is an example of?


What is antifascism?

Antifascism is the opposition to fascism - the political ideology based on a relationship between business and the centralized government.

What is centralized government?

A centralized government is governed by a supreme political authority that has sovereignty over all other governing bodies.

What does totalitrian mean?

A form of government in which the political authority exercises absolute and centralized control over all aspects of life.

Form of government that has no political parties?

The form of government with no political parties or elections is autocracy. The supreme power is in the hands of each individual.