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I think it called Halley's comet, someone called Halley discovered it trails.

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Q: What is the name of a comet that comes every 76 years?
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When does Haley's comet come around?

Every 75 years and a few months. Last seen in 1986 the next sighting will be 2061.

Which comet appears regularly every 3.3 years?

It is called the cheese comet it is a really funny name for a comet it is called that because it lookes yello when u see it flieing past

Hayleys comet name?

Named after Edmund Halley, who recognized that the three different comets seen was actually the same comet returning every 75 to 76 years.

What does the name Halley's comet means?

Halley's Comet had been recorded every 76 years or so since about 200 BC; Edmund Halley was the first person to realize that the comets of 1531, 1607 and 1682 were in fact the SAME comet coming back again and again, and he predicted that the comet would again be visible in 1758. Edmund Halley himself did not live to see the comet's scheduled return, but in his honor the comet was named "Halley's Comet". A comet is a small, cold object in orbit round our sun. Every so often its orbit brings the comet close to the sun. A comet consists largely of ices. When it gets close to the sun these ices become vapour. The pressure of the solar wind and the light from the sun blow these vapours away from the sun, giving the comet a long tail. This tail is illuminated by sunlight and is often easily visible to the naked eye. Its name comes from Edmond Halley, an English astronomer who saw it in 1682, and recognised it as a periodic comet which had been passing close to the sun every 76 years for hundreds of years.

Name the comet that came close to earth in 1986?

The name of the comet seen in 1986 is Halley's Comet. You can see it every 75-76 years, and is the only short period comet that is clearly visible to the naked eye from earth, and thus the only naked-eye comet that might appear twice in a human lifetime.

Which reindeer's name is also the name of a kitchen cleanser?

=The reindeer who's name is also the name of a kitchen cleanser is COMET=

Which of followeing comets reappears after shortest periods a briela's comet b di vico's comet c hairlay's comet d donati's comet?

Answer:- Briela's comet appears after 6.6 years. Its correct name is biela's comet. Di vico is not comet. Halley appears after 76 years. Donati is a non period comet. It appeared once only in 1858. I think correct answer is Biela's comet. If there is any other opinion mail me.

How many years must past before a storm's name can get repeated?

A hurricane's name comes up for reuse once every six years unless it is retired.

What is a comet name?

Baileys Comet

How did the comet get its name?

from the greek word comet, meaning "to comet"

How did edmond discover the comet?

Edmond Halley didn't discover the comet that today bears his name. He was the first to theorize that comets may be returning objects, that the same one may be seen multiple times, and that the great cometary appearances mentioned every 74 to 76 years for almost the preceding 2,000 years were in fact reappearances of the same body. Based on that theory, he was the first to predict the appearance of a comet. When his prediction was born out in 1758, his name began to be associated with that particular comet. Unfortunately, he had died 16 years earlier, and never saw his prediction, and the underlying theory, confirmed.

What is the name of the oldest comet?

Anywhere from "millions of years or more" to "just until the next time they approach the Sun" (or hit something, like Comet Shoemaker Levy 9 did Jupiter in 1994). Some comets making their first approach to the Sun (presumably after a gravitational encounter in the outer solar system) come too close and are destroyed. Most familiar comets like Halley's Comet can be expected to "live" millions of years into the future as they have relatively stable orbits and do not come too close to the Sun.