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Q: What is the name of the chemical that is the sole source of fuel for your brain cells?
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The major source of fuel for the nervous system brain and red blood cells is?

Carbohydrates, more specifically: glucose

What is the external fuel of choice used by cells as a ready source of energy?

Cells do not choose their source of energy.

Why are chemical fuel cells bad?

They use the wrong kind of energy and they use too much of it. That's why other batteries are way better. One, they hardly use 6% as much as chemical fuel cells. Two, the chemical fuel cells pollute the air too.

What source of energy does fossil fuel contain?

Chemical energy

How could fuel cells give space crews electricity and water?

fuel cells converts chemical energy to eletrical power and the only waste product for fuel cells is water

Why must one expect to see a larger number of mitochondria in muscle cells?

Mitochondira generate a cells fuel, called adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is used as a source of chemical energy, which you need because muscle cells are so active.

What is the major fuel used by neurons?

A Neuron is a nerve cell. Glucose is the major fuel source for all cells, It is turned into ATP by aerobic respiration. Aerobic respiration occurs within the mitochondria of cells. ATP is the form of energy stored and used by cells.

What is the chemical to make fire?

there isn't an actual chemical to start fire. all you need is an ignition source, oxygen, and a fuel source (such as wood)

Fuel cells produce chemical energy by combining?

Carbon and hydrogen

Fuel cells rely primarily on what element for their energy source?


How does the ideal gas law apply to fuel cells?

converts the chemical energy of a fuel and an oxzidizing into electricity.

A chemical fuel that allows the body cells to do work and to function is known as?