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Q: What is the name of the gulf located east of Texas and west of Florida?
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Can you name the Gulf located east of Texas west of Florida and north and Southern Mexico?

The name of the gulf located east of Texas west of Florida and north of southern Mexico is The Gulf of Mexico

What is the gulf east of Texas west of Florida and north of Mexico?

There is no Gulf possible between the regions as you state them - Mexico is to the west of Florida and therefor there can not be a Gulf WEST of Florida AND north and southern Mexico. Your question makes no sense and thus can not be answered.

What body of water spans from Texas in the west to Florida in the east?

Gulf of Mexico spans from Texas in the west to Florida in th east.

What is the gulf east of Texas west of Florida and north of southern Mexico?

The Gulf of Mexico.

What is the gulf that is east of Texas west of Florida north of southern Mexico?

Gulf of Mexico

Which state borders on Mexico and gulf Mexico?

Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida.

What body of water is south of Florida?

The major body of water located east of Florida is the Atlantic Ocean.

Could you name the gulf located east of Texas west of floridaand north of southern Mexico?

Gulf of Mexico

Which is a port on the East Coast Boston or Galveston?

Boston, Massachusetts is located on the East Coast, and Galveston, Texas is located on the Gulf Coast.

What reigon is Florida in?

Florida is located in the south east of the United States. It is also considered a part of the gulf coast.

What is the gulf located east of Texas?

To the west of Saudi Arabia is the Red Sea. To the east of Saudi Arabia is the Persian Gulf.

Where is the gulf Mexico located?

East of Texas and Mexico and south of the southeastern United States