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Q: What is the name of the thermal energy that travels in waves and can pass through empty space as well as some objects?
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Why do you loose thermal energy if your body temperature is 37 degrees c and the temperature around you is 25 degrees c?

Because thermal energy travels from hotter objects to colder objects.

Thermal energy travels through the bottom of the pan by?


How thermal energy travel?

Thermal energy travels by conduction, convection, and radiation. Conduction occurs when two or more objects of different temperatures are touching each other. The heat flows from the warmer object to the cooler object, until the objects reach equal temperatures. Convection is the transfer of thermal energy through a moving liquid or gas. Radiation is the transfer of thermal energy though matter and space.

How heat travels through convection?

Movement of Thermal energy is by the use of convection currents.

Is there a change in an objects thermal energy if the object is at thermal equilibrium?


Does two objects at different temperature have same thermal energy explain?

No,two objects at different temperature does not have the same thermal energy because both objects have different temperature .object with high temperature has more thermal energy and the object with low temperature has less thermal energy.

What thermal energy?

Thermal energy is also known as heat energy. It is a form of energy which travels due to the temperature gradient.

Do solids have thermal energy why?

Solids have thermal energy because all objects have thermal energy.

When objects get hotter what kind of energy do they have?


Do all objects have thermal energy?


Does thermal energy moves?

Such energy can be transferred. Usually it will transfer from hotter objects to colder objects.

When heat energy travels through solid materials it is called?

The movement of heat through a solid is called heat conduction.