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The plant species Tilia Americana can be found in many different locations. The native habitat for the Tila Americana is the eastern North American region.

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Q: What is the native habitat of the plant species Tilia americana?
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What is the scientific name for the tilia americana?

Tilia Americana is the genus species (scientific name) of American Basswood. Soo I guess the answer to your question is... you already know.

What is the scientific name of American basswood?

Tilia americana

What is the scientific name or taxonomic classification of the plant Basswood?

The scientific or taxonomic name would be Tilia americana.

Where is a retail source for Tilia americana Fastigiata or T a McK Sentry or T a Wandell?

American Sentry is available from Natorp's Nursery in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Which climate are tilia trees found?

There are around 30 species of Tilia trees, and they are found in temperate climates throughout most of the northern hemisphere. The widest variety is found in Asia.

What is the scientific name for a Basswood tree?

The Lime and Linden tree is closely related to the Basswood tree. Tilia vulgaris grows throughput Europe and Eastern Asia. Tiliaamericana produces basswood in Canada and the eastern part of the USA, where it is known as American Lime; Tilia japonica, Japanese lime is also known as Japanese basswood. The Family name for the lime/basswood/linden tree is: Tiliaceae.

What is the more common name of linden tree?

Linden or lime are the common names of Tilia of which there are many species and varieties.

When was Tilia dasystyla created?

Tilia dasystyla was created in 1832.

How tall is Ancilla Tilia?

Ancilla Tilia was born on July 21, 1985, in Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands.

What is another name for a lime tree?

Gum trees are members of the genus Eucalyptus. There are over 700 species of Eucalyptus, all but 9 of which are native to Australia.

What is the difference between FoodSaver canisters and tilia FoodSaver canisters?

Nothing, they are one in the same. Tilia makes the Foodsaver

What is a Tilia food saver and where can one be purchased?

A Tilia FoodSaver is a device that seals food into a vacuum bag in order to keep it fresh for longer. One can buy a Tilia FoodSaver via eBay and also from Amazon.