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same as it was before

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Q: What is the nutritional content of human semen after vasectomy?
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What is the nutritional content of bird semen?

Uhm...none you freak.

What is the cpt code for semen analysis following a bilateral vasectomy?

Semen analysis would be a part of the initial surgical package when the vasectomy was done.

Can you get fat from swallowing semen?

No, it has little nutritional value.

Does semen look different after vasectomy?

NO. Exactly the same unless you look at it under a 300x microscope.

What effect does a vasectomy have on semen volume considering the percentage that sperm cells contribute to the total volume of semen?

Sperm make up a tiny volume of semen, but the testes still do produce some seminal fluids. After a vasectomy, you'll probably have less volume, but it probably won't be noticeable. The prostate gland, and cowpers gland are still fully active and connected post vasectomy, and they make the bulk of semen. It's the removal of the prostate that effects volume the most. After it's removal, many men experience "dry" orgasm.

Why men have to get their tubes tied?

I believe you are referring to a vasectomy. Men do not normally have to have this procedure done; it is usually a personal decision. The vasectomy prevents sperm from entering the semen. Therefore, it prevents unwanted pregnancies in women.

What will happen if the semen content is too low in men?

Semen is the total ejaculate. The sperm content in the ejaculate is a tiny part (about 5% of the total volume, the rest is lubricating fluids and nourishment for the sperm while it is on its way. Semen content and semen volume would be two different things & your question is ambiguous. If the sperm content of the semen is low you wouldn't be able to conceive children. If the volume is low, you just wouldn't have much ejaculation. you could still have an orgasm, just wouldn't be much semen there.

How much vitamin e is in semen?

None. Semen does have some enzymes and very little nutritional value, it is NOT a good source of vitamins, they exist in semen in very small quantities. Try vitamins.

Can animal seaman get a female pregnant?

No, animal semen cannot get a human female pregnant. Only human semen can impregnate a human female.

Do you still enjoy sex after a vasectomy?

Of course men still enjoy sex after a vasectomy! In fact nothing changes except their semen doesn't contain any sperm anymore (what's about 3%) and the fear of (unwanted) pregnancy is (definitively) gone ...

How would you describe the taste of horse semen?

a bit salty but better taste than human sperms.

Should a woman swallow sperm?

You mean, "Semen". Semen is the whitish, thickish fluid that carries the sperm cells (short for spermatazoa) out of a man's body. I have heard it said that semen is somewhat nutritional, but there can't be much taste to it, or the sperm could not live in it. Semen is completely harmless when swallowed.