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Homosexual behavior has been observed in just about every animal species, and humans are no exception. Probably 80 % of us are capable of homosexual intercourse, even if we don't actually do it. It's estimated that from 2 to 3 % of us are exclusively or primarily homosexual, and this appears to be true in all human societies that have been examined.

The idea that homosexuals were a different "type" of person emerged in Germany in the 19th century.

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7y ago

This is an impossible question to actually answer. The question of when homosexuality began is like asking when did the world begin, there are many different theories. I would pretty much say that homosexuality began around the same time human life began. Homosexuality dates back even before Christianity.

The Greeks felt homosexual behavior was normal, men marrying and having sex with women was to "only" procreate and ensure their bloodline and heritage in the future. The women would stay home take care of the house and children, while the men would gather in "bath houses" to enjoy the companionship of other mean, and I don't mean to play cards either. When boys reached a certain age, I believe it was 16, but may have been younger, they were given a to a male companion in order to become a "man". I have to stress though that penetration of the younger male by the older one did not happen, but other sexual acts did, oral, etc.

In truth, it wasn't until Christianity appeared a little over 2,000 years ago and the "Christians" looked down on homosexuality, did anyone think it was a "bad" thing. It was the Christian movement that formed today's society's opinion of homosexuality. Before then, it was deemed as normal and even natural.

It's a natural part of life. It began when life began on Earth.

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14y ago

Homosexual behavior has been observed in almost every species. Human homosexual behavior probably started the same way human heterosexual behavior started: it felt good. Chances are, the earliest humans were having sex for many generations before we figured out the relationship between sex and the birth of a child nine months later!

In the west, people assumed that anyone could have a homosexual experience -- and a lot of people apparently did. Widespread hostility to homosexual acts appears to have emerged in Europe in about 1100 C.E. (Common Era). The idea that there are people who are primarily or exclusively homosexually oriented did not emerge in western thought until the 19th century.

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12y ago

The word appears to have been invented by Karl-Maria Kertbeny writing in German in 1869AD. It was adopted by Krafft-Ebing and first used in contrast to heterosexual. Purists would object that is formed from two words from differing languages, ie homoios Ancient Greek adjective meaning 'the same' and sexualis, Latin for sexual.

But if you are asking what the origin of gay people is, the fact is that homosexuality has been in existence since life began on this planet.

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9y ago

The prefix "homo+" comes from Greek and means same, and the root "sex" comes from "sexus" in Latin. It seems to have been coined as a word in Germany around 1869. The term was found in a pamphlet which opposed an anti-sodomy law. The term was popularized by an 1886 book Richard von Krafft-Ebing wrote called Psychopathia Sexualis.

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13y ago

No one knows for sure, however, Athens in Ancient Greece was either the first or one of the first societies (or city-state) were people were widely open about their homosexuality.

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8y ago

Belive me you don't want to find out bro.

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