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the parietal lobe

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The cerebrum.

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Q: What part of the brain interprets impulses from the senses?
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What part of the brain routes nerve impulses from your senses?

Most nerve impulses from our senses are routed through the: Thalamus-

What part of the brain organizes impulses from the senses and sends them on to the appropriate cortical areas?

The amygdala.

What part of the central nervous system interprets information collected be the senses?

by the brain throught the heart

What part does an insect have its nervous system?

An insect has a brain as part of its nervous system. The brain receives and interprets sensory impulses from all ganglia on the insect's body.

Which human organ interprets most of the information taken in by the five senses?

for me it should be the ear and nose because a normal human got five senses:eareyeskinnosemouthand ear and nose is the most sensitive part for human so,it is the part of body that sends the most info to the brain.

What part of your body interprets information?


What part of the brain interprets sound?

Temporal Lobe

What is the function of cerebrum?

The cerebrum is the part of the brain that interprets input from the senses, controls the movement of skeletal/voluntary muscles, and carries out complex mental processes. the part that recieves sensory acts as the center of emotion,consciousness,learning and all voluntary is also the largest part of the brain.protective membrane around the brain

What part of the brain interprets messages from other parts of the body?

the brain cells

Which nerve transmits impulses generated by the retina to the brain?

Second cranial nerve: The second cranial nerve is the optic nerve, the nerve that connects the eye to the brain and carries the impulses formed by the retina -- the nerve layer that lines the back of the eye, senses light and creates the impulses -- to the brain which interprets them as images.The cranial nerves emerge from or enter the skull (the cranium), as opposed to the spinal nerves which emerge from the vertebral column. There are twelve cranial nerves.In terms of its embryonic development, the optic nerve is a part of the central nervous system (CNS) rather than a peripheral nerve.

Which part of the brain receives impulses for sight from the eyes?

Fore Brain

What is the part of the brain that interprets impulse and store memory?
