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Q: What is the period when one side of the earth is lit?
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When earth faces away from the sun that side has?

As earth rotates the part that is facing the sun has day light.

Venus' period of rotation?

Venus rotates once (one Venusian day) every 243 standard (Earth) days. It orbits the Sun every 224.7 standard days. Yes, that means that its rotation takes longer than does its trip around the Sun. In a few million more years, Venus may always have the same side facing the Sun, just as Earth's Moon always has one side facing Earth.

How do you get the ratio of earth's orbital period about the sun to the earth's period of rotation about its own axis?

The period of the earth's orbit around the sun is one year. The period of earth's orbit about its own axis is one day. If we estimate one year to be about 365 days, we simply get the ratio 365:1 as the ratio of the period of earth's orbit around the sun to that of earth's rotation about its own axis.

Does light travel through a one way mirror?

Yes, light travels through a "one way mirror" but only a small part of the light, most of the light is reflected. In fact light will travel both ways through a "one way mirror"!What makes a "one way mirror" appear to act one way is if the room on one side is brightly lit and the room on the other side is dimly lit, in the brightly lit room the reflected light from the brightly lit room swamps out the small amount of transmitted light from the dimly lit room and the mirror appears to be an ordinary mirror, but in the dimly lit room the transmitted light from the brightly lit room swamps out the small amount of reflected light from the dimly lit room and the mirror appears to be a window.

How many times does the moon rotate in 27 and a half days?

about once. The moon rotates roughly once in that period, as it completes one orbit about the Earth. This keeps the same side facing the Earth at all times.

Related questions

Why the moon is lit up?

The moon is lit by sunlight just like the earth. Because of it's rotation relative to the earth, only one face of it is visible to people on earth. Thus, the expression, "the dark side of the moon". When the Earth is between the Sun and the moon, it is more or less invisible, since no direct light is striking it. We call this period of a few days a "new moon".

What percentage of earth is lit?

There is about 50% of the Earth that is lit at one time. Ray of light fall paralell across the Earths surface, only lighting 50% of the Earth at one time.

Why is one side of the moon always lit?

The sun lights it

A week after the full moon the moon looks like a semi circle again?

Essentially yes. The moon takes roughly 4 weeks to orbit the earth. During this period we see only the parts of the moon that are lit relative to the moon's position to the sun and the earth, as seen from the earth. During a new moon, the moon is between the earth and sun, so only the "back side" of the moon is lit and we can't see it at all (and BTW, if the moon is DIRECTLY between the earth and sun, we have a "solar eclipse". As you can guess, solar eclipses can ONLY occur during "new moons"). A week later, the moon has orbited earth so that the moon is "next to" the earth relative to the sun, and we see half of the lit surface of the moon. This is a "half moon". A week later, the moon has orbited so that the sun is on one side of the earth and the moon is on the other. This is the "full moon" and we can see the entire side of the moon that's lit by the sun. And BTW...when the earth is DIRECTLY between the sun and the moon, we get a "lunar eclipse". And as you can guess again, a lunar eclipse can ONLY occur during a full moon. And again a week later, the moon has orbited earth so that the moon is "next to" the earth relative to the sun, and we see half of the lit surface of the moon. This is another "half moon", but unlike the half moon 2 weeks ago, the moon is on the OTHER side of the earth, so we see the OTHER half of the lit side of the moon. Finally, a week after that, the moon has orbited to a point between the earth and the sun again, and we're back to a "new moon" again. And one last "BTW", this roughly 4 week cycle of the moon's phases is where we get the word "month" from.

What is it when only one fourth of the moon is visible?

eaither a waxing or waining cresent...if the right side of the moon is lit it is waxing if the left side is lit it is waining

How much of the moon is lit up at all times?

One hemisphere is always lit except when the moon is occulted by the earth.

Were the sun go after the midnight?

The sun doesn't go anywhere. It stays at the center of our solar system. However, the sun APPEARS to "go away" because of the rotation of Earth. As Earth rotates, one side of Earth is lit by the Sun, and one side isn't. This is a 24 hour long cycle. So, to answer your question, the Sun APPEARS to go to the other side of Earth, even though this is because it is the Earth that is actually moving, not the Sun.

What why does the sun set?

The Sun appears to set because the Earth rotates, turning one side of the Earth away from the Sun for a period we call "night"

How much of the moon iis always lit up by sun?

All sides are lit up. Only one side at a time. There is a term called the dark side of the moon. This term relates to the fact that the moon doesnt spin on its axis like the earth does and one side faces the earth all of the time. The dark side refers not to the abscence of light but radio waves. During the Apollo missions to the moon, as a spacecraft went behind the moon (in relation to the earth) It went into whats called a radio blackout. It was called the dark side because up until the first spacecraft orbited the moon, it had never been seen by man before.

When earth faces away from the sun that side has?

As earth rotates the part that is facing the sun has day light.

Does the earth see only one side of the moon?

No. The amount of the Moon visible from the Earth varies, depending on the phase of the Moon. At Full Moon, you see nearly all of the Moon's illuminated side. At New Moon, you see nearly none of it. At Quarter Moon, you see about half of it.

Venus' period of rotation?

Venus rotates once (one Venusian day) every 243 standard (Earth) days. It orbits the Sun every 224.7 standard days. Yes, that means that its rotation takes longer than does its trip around the Sun. In a few million more years, Venus may always have the same side facing the Sun, just as Earth's Moon always has one side facing Earth.