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Q: What is the placenta in pregnancy related to its function?
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The chorion is a membrane that develops at the start of pregnancy. Its main function is to contribute to the formation of the placenta.

How is the placenta adapted for its function?

The structure of the placenta is related to its functions because its functions is to support the embryo/foetus in ways such as providing it with nourishment, and oxygen which explains the relevance of the placenta to its function of supporting the growing individual.

What is the placenta used for?

The placenta provides your developing baby with a supply of blood, oxygen, and nutrients vital to a healthy baby! The placenta is fully developed by your 18th week of pregnancy. The placenta also carries waste including carbon dioxide away from your baby. The quality of function of your placenta is dependent upon how healthy you are, this is why it is important to keep your blood and oxygen as clean as possible especially during pregnancy (which is why you should not drink or smoke during pregnancy). The placenta keeps harmful materials away from your baby including infections but the body does not always recognize these harmful substances which is another reason you should not drink, smoke or take drugs during pregnancy.

As the foetus develops in the womb the placenta plays an important role give two functions of the placenta?

The main function of placenta in pregnancy is to supply your baby with sufficient nourishment. Generally it is found to evaluate around one-sixth of your newborn's weight. Every minute during the pregnancy, approximately about 550 ml of blood gets pushed into the uterus to replace enough nutrients with the placenta for your baby.

How the structure of the placenta is related to its function?

The structure of the placenta is directly related to its function of facilitating nutrient and gas exchange between the mother and fetus. The placenta is composed of villi, which are finger-like projections that increase the surface area for exchange. The villi are surrounded by maternal blood sinuses, allowing for the diffusion of oxygen and nutrients from the mother's blood to the fetal blood, and the removal of waste products from the fetal blood.

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What is the placentas role?

The placenta provides your developing baby with a supply of blood, oxygen, and nutrients vital to a healthy baby! The placenta is fully developed by your 18th week of pregnancy. The placenta also carries waste including carbon dioxide away from your baby. The quality of function of your placenta is dependent upon how healthy you are, this is why it is important to keep your blood and oxygen as clean as possible especially during pregnancy (which is why you should not drink or smoke during pregnancy). The placenta keeps harmful materials away from your baby including infections but the body does not always recognize these harmful substances which is another reason you should not drink,smoke or take drugs during pregnancy.

What does 'placenta Anterior mean in doctors notes after a pregnancy scan?

It means that your placenta is in the front of your uterus. This is not an issue in early pregnancy as the placenta usually moves as pregnancy progresses. If it is still anterior near end of pregnancy it can make you have to have a C-section. Also, it will be harder to feel the baby's kicks and movement as an anterior placenta cushions the baby from the tummy.

What Function of the placenta?

Both of these

When does the embryo attach to the placenta?

The embryo attaches to the placenta when it reaches the uterus very early in a pregnancy.

Can the placenta move during pregnancy?

Yes. But the movement is relative. Placenta does not change the position. But lower placenta may move up. So that placenta previa may become normal placenta.

What is the role of the placenta during a pregnancy?

The placenta is an extremely complex piece of biological equipment. A little bit like an artificial kidney (dialysis machine), it allows your blood and the baby''s to come into very close contact without ever mixing