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Q: What is the placing of organisms that are into organized groups according to similar characteristics?
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What characteristics does scientists use when observing organisms and placing them in the six kingdoms?

idk the answer so yeah

What is the basis for placing organisms into groups?

their main features

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How do I keep my pantry organized and clean?

To keep your pantry organized and clean you should clean it every week. Placing organizing tools in the cabinets can also help you arrange and organize the cabinet.

How does a branching tree diagram divide organisms into groups?

A branching tree diagram, also known as a phylogenetic tree or cladogram, is a visual representation that groups organisms together based on their shared derived characteristics. This diagram illustrates the evolutionary relationships between different species or groups of organisms. The process of creating a branching tree diagram starts with identifying the shared derived characteristics among the organisms being studied. These characteristics are traits that are unique to a particular group of organisms and have been inherited from a common ancestor. Examples of derived characteristics could include the presence of feathers in birds or the possession of a backbone in vertebrates. Once the derived characteristics are identified, the diagram is constructed by placing the organisms into branches or clades based on their shared derived traits. The more closely related organisms will be grouped together on branches that are closer to each other, indicating a more recent common ancestor. Conversely, organisms that are less closely related will be placed on branches that are more distant from each other, showing a more distant common ancestry. The branching pattern of the tree diagram represents the evolutionary relationships between the organisms. The points at which branches meet, called nodes, represent common ancestors from which the different groups have diverged. The length of the branches can indicate the amount of evolutionary change or time that has passed since the divergence from a common ancestor. Branching tree diagrams are valuable tools in understanding the evolutionary history and relationships between organisms. They provide a visual representation of the shared derived characteristics that define different groups and allow scientists to study patterns of evolution and common ancestry. These diagrams are used in various fields such as biology, paleontology, and taxonomy to classify and identify the relationships between different organisms.

What is grouping organisms according to certain characteristic called?


Do you recirculate or filter after placing chemicals in pool?

Filter it, you need something to catch all the organisms your killing. The filter pump will still recirculate.

How do horticulturist increase the amount of carbon dioxide in a greenhouse?

I think that they do so by putting other live organisms (such as snails or fish) in containers and placing these containers next to plants as the organisms will give out carbon dioxide which the plants can utiliize

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Coupons can be stored and organized by placing them in boxes, jars, a designated place on a tv set or refrigerator, underneath a bed or even in a closet.

What is the definition of classification of organisms?

there is a wide range of organisms around is not possible to study each organism indiavidually so we create groups on the basis of similarities and differences between these organisms. also; classification includes identification,nomenclature or naming the organisms and placing into groups. scientifically, we call classification of organisms as taxonomy. Basically,you can say that Classification is the method of grouping organisms together on the basis of differences and similarities between them . creating groups makes study of organisms easier

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Cepheid variable stars have been used to determine the?

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