

What is the plural of faculty?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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Q: What is the plural of faculty?
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What if the plural form of the word faculty?

"faculties" is the plural

Is the plural of faculty-members of the faculty?

The plural of the noun "faculty" is faculties. The word is used in other contexts other than to collectively indicate the staff of a school.

What is the plural possessive of faculty?


Is faculty singular or plural?

Singular (one faculty). The plural is faculties (two faculties) In American English, faculty and other similar nouns ( committee, government, staff etc) denoting groups of individuals take a singular verb: The faculty is on vacation. In British English, such nouns take a plural verb: The faculty are on vacation. So the correct answer to the question as asked is: Faculty is a singular noun that may (chiefly British) take a plural verb.

Is a faculty a mass noun or a count noun?

No, the noun 'faculty' is a count noun, a word with a singular and a plural form. The plural form of the noun is 'faculties'.

What is the correct grammar for the following sentence The faculty believe or the faculty believes that the environment influences individuals and groups?

The faculty believes that the environment influences individuals and groups. you use believes because the subject faculty is speaking of the faculty as one. So the subject is singular, that means the verb has to be plural, according to subject verb agreement.The faculty believes that the environment influences the individuals and groups.

What is a pronoun for faculty?

The word faculty used as a collective noun (group of teachers) can use either the singular third person pronoun (it), or the plural (they, them) depending on whetherthe faculty is acting as a whole or as individual members.The word faculty meaning a sense (e.g. in possession of your faculties) uses the singular third-person pronoun, it.

What is the correct grammar for the following sentence The faculty provide a challenging learning environment for all students or The faculty provides?

That depends on where you happen to be from: In the US, collective nouns typically take the singular. Everywhere else where English is spoken, collective nouns take the plural. Ask yourself if "the faculty" is an it or a they then choose the verb's conjugation accordingly.

Do you use the word teachers' in a sentence?

Teachers is plural, and the trailing apostrophe shows possession (you do not add another S where the plural ends in S).So examples for this plural possessive is:The teachers' union is asking for higher salaries.All of the teachers' cars are parked in the faculty parking lot.

What is correct grammar---faculty has or faculty have?

Faculty is singular (though it has multiple members), so use "has."

Is faculty a collective noun?

Yes, faculty is a collective noun, used for a faculty of academics and a faculty of teachers.

Is it correct to say the couple reside or resides in Washington?

Resides. Couple is an example of a collective noun. If the couple is doing something together it is singular. The couple resides in Washington. If the two of them are doing something apart, then it is plural. The couple are taking separate vacations this year. North Americans, though, tend to use collective nouns as a singular, whereas Brits use them as plural: The faculty is diverse. North America The faculty are diverse. UK