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Binging, usually on high calorie foods, and then purging, through vomiting, excessive exercise, or abusing laxatives.

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Q: What is the primary factor that characterizes bulimia nervosa?
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The successful treatment of bulimia is dependent upon what factor?

Bulimia is treated most successfully when diagnosed early.

What virulence factor characterizes all pathogens of the CNS?

i DONT know it myself

Can bulimia cause long term sterility?

Most of the literature claims that bulimia does if fact cause or contribute to sterility. Vomiting, the defining aspect of the disorder, as compared to anorexia nervosa or stand-alone compulsive eating, is likely not the determining factor. Menstrual cycles stop when the female body undergoes tremendous burdens such as malnutrition, prolonged rigorous exercise, stress and anxiety. These cycles may or may not return due to such factors as duration of the menstrual lapse.

Is making yourself vomit a form of detoxing?

No. It would be considered a factor of bulimia, a dangerous and potentially fatal eating disorder.

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293 is.

Which factor best characterizes the art of both ancient Greece and the Renaissance?

emphasis on the human forms

What are two secondary factors that affect solute diffusion?

The primary determing factor would be the size of the substance

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The primary determing factor would be the size of the substance

Can a factor be a primary number?

A prime number, yes.

What are the primary factors of 49?

The prime factor is 7.

What does a major factor mean?

A major factor is a primary cause, a large reason why something happens.

What is the determining factor that will or will not allow solute diffusion?

The primary determing factor would be the size of the substance