

What is the reason why nails rust in water?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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15y ago

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They're metal and metal rusts because the iron in metal oxidizes.

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Q: What is the reason why nails rust in water?
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Why does water rust nails?


Will nails rust in water?

Nails do not rust in water. Nails only rust in water if oxygen is present. This is because the iron in nails react with oxygen and water to form a compound called hydrated iron(III) oxide.

Can you put nails in water to drink rust water?

The nails need to be left in the water for quite a time. The particles of rust will dissolve into the water particles. Gross, but you can.

Does water take rust off nails?

No. Water is actually a major cause of rust.

What liquids rust nails?

water and mercury.

What water can make the nail rust the fastest?

Sea water can rust nails or other metals.

How does tap water rust iron nails?

Water from the tap or drinknig fountain will rust iron,

Do nails rust quicker in salt water or vinegar?

Salt Water Because They Rust In Normal Water Too!

How does salt water rust nails?

it is because of the oxygen

What would happen when iron nails are kept in hot water?

rust, lots of rust.

How do nails rust in water?

it is caused by a chemical reaction with metal and water

What type of nails rust?

metal nails rust ANSWER: Iron nails do.