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The resolution of "The Scarlet Letter" by Nathaniel Hawthorne occurs when the characters confront their emotions and the consequences of their actions. Hester finds peace and redemption, Dimmesdale confesses his sins publicly and dies, and Pearl reconciles with her mother. The scarlet letter loses its power over Hester as she emerges stronger and more independent.

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8y ago

The whole point of Young Goodman Brown is that there is no resolution. He cannot bring himself to admit that all people are partly good and partly evil and lives the rest of his life in the turmoil. The last line of the story is "his dying hour was Horror."

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10y ago

everyone dies

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Which letter was The Scarlet Letter?

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The Scarlet was the letter?

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The scarlet letter was which letter?

The Scarlet Letter is a red A, which stands for adultery.

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"The Scarlet Letter" is typically depicted as red, symbolizing passion, sin, and shame. The color red is used to represent the main theme of the novel and the scarlet letter itself.

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The Scarlet Letter was created in 1850.

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The author tries to relate the story of scarlet letter with the letter 'A'. He tries to symbolise the scarlet letter.

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The Scarlet Letter was published in 1850.

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The scarlet letter in Nathaniel Hawthorne's novel "The Scarlet Letter" is the letter "A," which stands for adultery. It is worn by the main character, Hester Prynne, as a symbol of her sin and shame.

The Scarlet Letter was the letter of?

It was the letter of "A"

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The scarlet Letter is a form of Romanticism literature

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The Scarlet Letter was released on 10/13/1995.