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Unless the schizophrenia is under control and well-managed, seeing a therapist would likely not be appropriate. However, if it is under control and well-managed, the role of the therapist would differ depending on the client. If the client is having problems with anger management, then the therapist would work with the client on relaxation techniques, anger management techniques, etc. The therapist might also work with the client on developing skills to recognize when something is reality or not (i.e. a delusion that the Atlanta Braves are coming to draft you when you are a 45 year old male that doesn't leave the house ((a client where I work has that delusion))). Group therapy to help build interpersonal skills, independent living skills, and illness management and recovery groups may also be considered.

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Q: What is the role of a therapist when dealing with a schizophrenia patient?
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Cognitive-behavioral therapy is a collaborative, action-oriented therapy effort. As such, it empowers the patient by giving him an active role in the therapy process and discourages any overdependence on the therapist

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What is schizophrenia and how does it relate to the biological approach?

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Can a virus cause schizophrenia?

schizophrenia may be caused by a virus that attacks the hippocampus, a part of the brain that processes sense perceptions. Damage to the hippocampus would account for schizophrenic patients' vulnerability to sensory overload.