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Q: What is the romantic element in mechanic each one singing his song as it should be?
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What is the romantic element emphasized in this section of text Each one singing his song as it should be?

The romantic element emphasized in the section of text "Each one singing his song as it should be" is the element of belief in the individual and common man or individualism.

What should be the goal of a romantic relationship?

the goal of a romantic relationship is to become married.....

Do you need school to be a mechanic?

To be a mechanic, you should have a certificate. To get most of these, you just have to pass a test.

If you have a brother that doesn't like singing and you have a great singing voice should you stop singing?

No, you should not stop singing. Your Brother just has different likes than you do, that is normal and he may like an activity that you don't like.

Who should pick the location of a romantic date?

the person who asked the other one out. They should have a romantic place picked out already before asking.

Where should I go for good romantic getaways?

For a romantic getaway, you and your special someone should take a trip to Paris. You should look at travelers websited to get the best deal your your hard earned money. There is no place more romantic than the city of Paris.

What should I include when planning a surprise romantic getaway and how do I pull it off?

There are many different things that can be included in a romantic getaway. There can be candlelight dinners, romantic walks, massages, and various romantic activities.

Should I love you be reserved for romantic and family relationships or to any relationship?

Only to romantic and family relationships.

Should I take my car to a mechanic auto repair shop?

You should always take your car to an auto mechanic. Repairing a car can be costly, lengthy and difficult. If you are not a mechanic, then I wouldn't recommend that you repair your own car.

What should you eat or drink before singing?

Type your answer here... you should not eat nything b4 singing but u can have energy drinks

What to do with your talent of singing?

well if its a talent of singing you should use it don't let it go to wast like if there is a singing competition enter it.

Is to mechanic as animal is to veterinarian?

The actual comparison should probably be written Veterinarian:Animal::Mechanic:? The answer can be car, machine, or something similar depending on the type of mechanic you are asking about.