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If you read the end of the chapter, A gift for darkness, its the scene where we see Simon speaking to the pigs head, who calls himself, the Lord of the Flies. In this scene, the Lord of the Flies says, "There isn't anyone to help you. Only me. And Im the beast." He also says, "Fancy thinking that the beast was something you could hunt and kill."

I am well aware that the word Beelezebob, meaning Satan, is the Hebrew word for, the Lord of the Flies. The beast is obviously Satan, the pigs head, speaking in Simons thoughts. The actual title however, signifies that the children on the island are the flies, and their lord is Satan, particulary the ones that Jack converted. The Beast sates, "Do you see, you're not wanted. We are going to have fun on this island. So don't try it or else we shall do you." WE being Satan and his flies, the FLIES being Jack, Roger Maurice, etc. Satan also stated that Simon would indeed be killed and that he would meet him down below. This particular scene in the book reminded me of when Jesus was speaking with Satan in the garden, and how Satan said that Jesus's plan would fail, 'so don't bother trying it.' Jesus was sacrificed just as Simon was, except Jesus was sacrificed by the will of god, and Simon was killed by the will of Satan.

So, to put it blantly, the title signifies Satan being in control, because this time, it is not man he overpowers, which he sometimes does, but it is children that he is in control of. As we well know, Satan is a deciever. "Im the reason why things are what they are.," said the Lord of the Flies. Children are represented as flies in this book because children are often easy to decieve and they are so very well decieved, that they end up going bloodthirsty and Simon dies because of it. The reason for the line, "Don try to escape, don't you dare try it... or we shall kill you" is that Satan could not take control over Simon, and he tried to convince him not to escape, he could not decieve Simon because Simon was good hearted and special. When Ralph intervened with Satans plan to try and escape, Jack and his tribe, the flieschased after Ralph and attempted to kill him... until the pilot showed up.

Happy four twenty.

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8y ago

It could be a reference to the Hebrew name for Satan, Beelzebub. It translates to Lord of Flies. It is obvious that the Lord of Flies in the novel symbolizes the devil, or the evil in every human being. It seems as though Golding choose this title as a representation of the evil in humans. The title Lord of the Flies is just a metaphoric way of explaining the plot in a short text.

Some believe that it refers to a line from King Lear. "As flies to wanton boys, are we to the gods. They kill us for their sport."

If you read the end of the chapter, "A gift for darkness," it's the scene where we see Simon speaking to the pig's head, who calls himself "the Lord of the Flies." In this scene, the Lord of the Flies says, "There isn't anyone to help you. Only me. And I'm the beast." He also says, "Fancy thinking that the beast was something you could hunt and kill."

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14y ago

The title of chapter 2 is Fire on the Mountain. If you take it at face value the title simply refers to the lighting of the signal fire on the mountain top. It could also refer to the fact that the signal fire got out of control and set fire to a pocket of trees on the mountain side. However as symbolism is often used in Lord of the Flies the title could refer to beacon fires which were lit during war time as a warning that the enemy was approaching. This might be a veiled allusion to the fact that things were already beginning to go wrong on the island and the first cracks in their society had begun to appear.

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12y ago

The name "Lord of the Flies" is the English translation of the Hebrew word Beelzebub, which is another name for the devil. When the Lord of the Flies spoke to Simon it said something to the effect of "I am in all of you", which emphasizes the theme of the inherent evil in all mankind.

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12y ago

Ch.1- The Sound of the Shell. This is significant because the sound of the shell/conch is what bring all the boys together at the platform.

Ch.2- Fire on the Mountain. the fire serves as a signal to the rest of the world and might lure a ship onto the island.

Ch.3- Huts on the Beach- Ralph and Simon build 3 huts to provide shelter for them at night. Jack is too busy hunting to help. the rest of the boys just play.

Ch.4- Painted Faces and Long Hair- Jack and the huters paint their faces and the paint serves as a mask and makes them more comfortable as savages.

Ch.5- Beast from Water- a littlun proposes that the beast cvomes from the water. Someone thinks it may be giant squid.

Ch.6- Beast from Air- in contrast to the previous chapter, the beast from air actually exists. it is not really a beast but a dead parachutist.

Ch. 7- Shadows and Tall trees- in this chapter, Ralph and jack witness the parachitist in the dark and think that it is a beast.

Ch.8- Gift for the Darkness- the gift is a pig's head on a stick and the darkness is the imaginary beast. jack and the hunters cut a pigs head, put it on a spear and leave it for the beast.

Ch.9- A View to a Death- the death is Simon's brutal murder. Simon sees the parachutist and realizes that the beast doesnt exist. when he goes down to tell theother boys, the mistake him for the beast and kill him.

Ch.10- The Shell and the Glasses- the shell/conch lost its significance and the glassses are now essential for survival and rwscue.

Ch.11- Castle Rock- that is where jack and his tribe live and where Ralph learns what jack is going to do to him. at castle rock, roger pushes a rock that kills piggy and breaks the conch.

Ch.12- Cry of the Hunters- jack told his tribe that if they find Ralph, they shold make a sound so they could kill him. so the hunters' cry is Ralph's death.

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14y ago

The title of chapter 9: A View to a Death is ambiguous in that two deaths are refered to in the chapter. The chapter begins with Simon finding the dead body of the parachutist on the mountain top and untangling its parachute lines. This death could have been a message of hope for the boys, as it would have reminded them that the outside world still existed and that there was still therefore a chance of being rescued. Unfortunately the dead body had been mistaken for the beast and had focused the boys' attention on the island and away from the outside world and rescue. Ironically while attemting to inform the boys of their mistake Simon himself was also mistaken for the beast and savagely killed. His was the second death that was being referenced. With Simon's death and the departure of the dead parachutist during the storm died all hopes of disproving the beast. The death of Simon was a turning point for the boys and the manner in which they viewed it showed just how far removed from civilisatiion some of them had fallen.

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13y ago

"Lord of the Flies," is a reference to a rotting pig's head speared on a stick the gives the reader insure to humane nature. The Beast (the Lord of the Flies) tells the reader about the insanity the boys experience. "Lord of the Flies," is also a translation of Belezebub (be-el-ZA-bub), also known as the Devil or Lucifer.

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15y ago

in greek, "lord of the flies" is "beelzebub". "beelzebub" also means devil. It could also symbolise being in control of things smaller than you- like jack controlling the littl'uns.

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14y ago

Lord of the Flies is a name related to Beelzebub, another name for the devil.

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