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This is the last of the ten commandments. It forbade wrong desire of others property and possessions, including the wife of your neighbor.

No human government could make and enforce such a law, so this would make each of us accountable to Jehovah God for our actions. He can see in our hearts and we can't hide anything from him.

It also speaks to what we know as GREED.

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Q: What is the specific explanation for though shall not covet neighbor's wife?
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Is covet a neighbors husband a sin?

"... nor any thing that is thy neighbor's". Yes.

What is God's tenth commandment in Exodus 34?

The tenth commandment is: You shall not covet your neighbour's house; you shall not covet your neighbour's wife, or male or female slave, or ox, or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbour.

What does you shall not covet your neighbors goods mean?

You shouldn't desire the things that belong to others. Don't be jealous!it sort of means you shall not steal from them

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Coveting behavior is acting as though things or people belong to you when they do not.

What is you shall not covet anything that is your niehbors?

It is the 10th commandment. It's meaning is that you should not look at anything that is your neighbors and desire it to be yours. Covet implies that you are overly concerned with what is your neighbors - that you are obsessed with having what they have. This could lead to you stealing what is theirs' or doing something else amoral in order to obtain what rightfully belongs to them. It also means that you need to be minding your own business and taking care of your own and not being concerned with what others have.

How can you use covet in a sentence?

to covet another's property.

What does it mean to be covet?

Covet means to desire too much.

What does it mean Covet your neighbors goods?

Ex:20:17: Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's. Covet means to wish for,or eagerly desire.

Sentence with covet?

There are plenty of ways you could use the word covet in a sentence. You could advise someone not to covet their neighbor for example.

What is a sentence for the word covet?

To covet things that do not belong to you is considered a sin.

Do eyes makes us to covet?

Not eyes but it is the mind that makes us covet. On the other hand, it depends on the eyes. Some eyes I do covet.

What is the antonym of decline and covet?

Rise is an antonym of decline. Nonpossessiveness is an antonym of covet.