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Similarly, a period of recession occurs at the start of the contraction phase.

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Q: What is the start of the contraction phase in a business cycle called?
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What are the turning points of the business cycle called?

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Diastole is the relaxation phase. Systole is the contraction phase. If you put these phases together you have the Cardiac Cycle...

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RECOVERY: A early expansionary phase of the business cycle shortly after a contraction has ended, but before a full-blown expansion begins. During a recovery, the unemployment rate remains relatively high, but it is beginning to fall.

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The R wave of the ECG is most closely associated with which phase of the cardiac contraction cycle?

Ventricular contraction.

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That phase is called as isovolumetric contraction phase.

Is the contraction phase of the heartbeat?

It is called Systole.

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What is a contraction phase of the heartbeat?

The cardiac cycle of the heart has two phases - the diastole phase and systole phase. In the systole phase, the ventricles contract and pump blood into the arteries.

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