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Q: What is the symbol of lithium on the periodic table?
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What does the symbol Li stand for on the periodic table?


What is lithium's symbol on the periodic table?

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What does LI stands for on the periodic table of elements?

Li stands for lithium in the periodic table.

Whats the formula of lithium?

If you mean the chemical symbol from the periodic table it is Li.


It's the element Lithium, it's on the periodic table of the elements.

What is Li and C2H3O2?

Li is the atomic symbol on the periodic table for Lithium, and C2H3O2 is the configuration for acetate. Together, this reads "Lithium acetate"

Is there a Le on the piriodic table?

No, there is no element with the symbol "Le" on the periodic table. The periodic table lists all known elements and their symbols, but "Le" is not one of them.

Can you name the primary elements of nature?

Hydrogen, helium, lithium... See a periodic table for the full list.Hydrogen, helium, lithium... See a periodic table for the full list.Hydrogen, helium, lithium... See a periodic table for the full list.Hydrogen, helium, lithium... See a periodic table for the full list.

What is the second element on periodic table of element?

sodium is the element

Are lithium and sodium a periodic table?

No sodium and lithium are in the periodic table they are both in the first column and are metals. They both have a valency 1

What is the number one metal on the periodic table?

Lithium, just look at the periodic table.

What does the symbol KM stand for in the periodic table?

There is no symbol KM in the periodic table.