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The length of a single revolution around the Sun for Mars is about 686.98 Earth days.

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Q: What is the time taken to complete 1 revolution by mars?
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What time does it takes mars to complete one revolution around the sun?

1.8808476 years.

How much time does Mars take to complete one revolution?

24hours and 37 minutes

What is the time taken by MARS to complete an orbit around the sun?

Mars takes about 687 Earth days to orbit the Sun once.

What is eath's revolution?

The time taken by earth to complete one revolution around sun is called earth's revolution which is about 365.4 days.

What is Mars orbit time?

It takes Mars 687 days for its one revolution

How many years does Mars takes to orbit the sun?

About 2 yrs. The orbit of Mars is about twice that of Earth's. == == Do you mean "how long does it take Mars to orbit the sun?" if so, 687 Earth days. Mars orbits 227 million kilometers away from the sun.

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The Moon is dragged along by the Earth so it goes round the Sun in the same time as us.

What is the revelation of Mars?

This sounds like something out of the Bible. I guess it meant "revolution" of Mars. Revolution period for Mars to orbit the Sun: about 687 Earth days. (Rotation time for Mars to spin once : about 24 hours and 37 minutes.)

How much time is taken to travel to Mars?

10 years

What is Venus's complete revolution time?

Venus's period of revolution is 225 days.

Is the moon moving too?

yes the moon is also moving around our earth. it takes nearly 27 days to complete one rotation and the same time is taken by moon to complete one revolution

What is the time taken for mars to spin once on its axis?

Mars takes about 24 hours and 39 minutes to rotate.