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Q: What is the transfer of energy that does not require matter called?
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What transfer of energy does require matter?

Radiation does not require matter.

Transfer of energy that does NOT require matter is?


What is the form of thermal transfer that does not require matter?

Energy transfer by radiation.

The transfer of thermal energy in matter with no overall transfer of matter is called?


A wave that doesn't require matter to transfer energy?

Electromagnetic waves

The transfer of thermal energy in matter wih no overall transfer of matter is called?


What is the transfer of thermal energy by collisions of particles of matter?

That is the conservation of energy. when particles collide no energy is lost but is transferred from one form to another.And this mechanism of heat transfer is called conduction.basically heat transfer is transfer of energy. conduction and convection but require material medium , this shows how energy can behave like particals. radiation on the other hand is a trasfer of heat which requires no material medium and shows how energy behaves like waves. so heats can behave as both particals and waves of energy. its called the dual nature of matter or energy since matter is basically potential energy.

What is the transfer of light energy to particles of matter called?


Does an electromagnetic wave use matter to transfer energy?

No, an electromagnetic wave does not require matter (a medium) to transfer energy. Electromagnetic energy (like light or radio waves) travels perfectly well in the vacuum of space. In contrast, a mechanical wave, of which sound is an example, does require a medium through which to travel.

What is the transfer of energy as a result of the movement matter called?

It is x oak

What is the transfer of energy as a result of movement of matter called?

It is x oak

The transfer of energy through matter by direct cantact of particles is called?
