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I live in Lakewood, OH and my average bill is $45-$60/month depending on A/C (window unit) use.

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Q: What is the typical electric bill for a 1 bedroom apartment in Cleveland?
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Spend Less On Your Electric Bill?

There is no such thing as a typical electric bill, although each family differs in their usage. Single folk tend to use less power than families, obviously, but the savvy family uses less sometimes because they know how to cut corners to save money. The typical electric bill apartment style depends on how old the building is, if the apartment is located on the bottom or top floor or slap in the middle. If the apartment is located on the second floor with other apartments around it, the rooms facing north will be the coldest. The typical electric bill apartment will be a little more if those windows aren't taken care of. Only running the dishwasher once a day will help cut costs as will taking showers late at night. These and other tips such as caulking around outlets will keep reasonable the typical electric bill apartment. The amount of bedrooms to heat and cool as well as how big the family rooms are add to the typical electric bill apartment. Closing off vents to redirect flow will help.

What are typical dimensions for apartment buildings?

what are the typical dimensions of an apartment building

Are rental apartments smaller than the typical home?

Yes, rental apartments are smaller than the typical home. Even three bedroom apartments are smaller than the typical three bedroom home.

What is a typical home in Romania?

An apartment in a block.

Lowering A Typical Electric Bill Apartment?

On average, a typical electric bill for apartments can be close to $100 per month. This amount may be higher or lower depending on the temperature control and appliances used. With careful energy conservation, it is possible to lower this amount, saving money for residents. Turning off lights when leaving the room and unplugging devices that are not in use can create immediate savings and prevent trickle electricity usage. Shutting down computers or other electronics can also help to lower a typical electric bill for apartments. Conservation habits are an ideal way to save money for any size of apartment.

How many pieces of furniture do typical bedroom sets have?

Between 6 and 8 pieces of furniture can be found in a typical set.

How long is a flight from Glasgow to Cleveland?

The duration of a typical flight from Glasgow to Cleveland would be 7 hours.

How much are the typical homes for sale in Pennsylvania?

The typical homes for sale in Pennsylvania range from prices as low as $80,000, to prices as high as $500,000. Most one bedroom houses are slightly under $100,000, two bedroom houses cost around $120,000, three bedroom houses cost around $140,000, and four bedroom houses cost around $220,000.

What happens in a bedroom?

The most common occurrences in a typical bedroom include sleeping, or resting; where one keeps their personal belongings, and where one dresses in their daily attires.

What is the standard sizes?

The standard bedroom size is typically between 8'x8' and 16'x16'. The typical height of a bedroom to the ceiling is around 8 feet.