

What is the universal truth about life and its meaning?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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I don't think there really is a "point" or "meaning" to life. Because for animals the only thing that seems important is the need to reproduce and carry on the population. But I also think that you should live your life as well, fun, crazy, full, as possible. Because you have this one life, that you were somehow given. I am a Christian, but I don't think there is a single meaning. I think you are just supposed to live your life, and make what you can of it. And as a Christian, I would love to say that the meaning of life should revolve around God, but I don't think it should work that way, and if it was, God would have made us that way, but we were given the ability to love, learn, create, and imagine. So just be yourself, no matter who you are, or who may not accept you.

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