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it is used for the communication

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Q: What is the use of radio communication?
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What electricity do you use for communication?

by radio television

How do lunar vehicles communicate?

They use radio communication equipment.

Why did Roosevelt use radio to communication with the American people?

Radio and print were the only forms of mass media at the time.

What applications use a half duplex transmission mode?

Citizens band (CB) radio Two-way radio communication

What can you use radiowaves for?

Radiowaves can be used for communication. Radio stations use radiowaves to broadcast their content to radios.

What is the possible reason for degradation of wireless communication when microwave is in used?

Wireless communication is usually a form of radio communication. Radio communication uses a part of the electro-magnetic spectrum of radiation. Microwave ovens also use electro-magnetic radiation. If you have a radio that's operating close to the microwave range, or maybe an microwave oven that has a wide spectrum, then the oven can interfere with the radio.

When did communications using radio become available?

Communication using the radio began with the two-way radio in the war, around the time of 1907. It was five years after that, that military use of the radio became more evident and available in order to make communication between ships.

What is the CB radio channel for dispatch in Gunnison Colorado?

Public service agencies don't use CB radio for official communication.

What is the rate of oscillation for a radio frequency?

Radio frequency rates vary from 3KHz to about 300GHz. Radio frequencies are not only used for radio communication but are also in use in medicine and arc welding.

What is wireless electronics?

Wireless in its earlier use meant communication without wires. Early radio. Electronics may or may not have anything to do with communication.

How communication takes place under water?

When underwater, communication can take place either visually or by communicators such as by radio transmission. Divers may use hand signs to signal what they need or what when they don't have radio equipment with them.

How do scientists use magnets?

Telephone, television, radio, and internet all use magnets to aid the communication.