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Face value to $8 if circulated, up to about $12 if crisp and unfolded.

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Q: What is the value of a five dollar bill silver certificate dated 1953A?
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Check that bill again. There was no $1 silver certificate dated 1931.

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what is the value of a five dollar bill silver certificate

What is the value of a 1963 5 dollar silver certificate worth?

It is impossible to define the value or worth of a 1963 5 dollar silver certificate because there were none manufactured in that year. The last batch of 5 dollar silver certificates are dated 1953.

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Check that bill again. There are no $1 silver certificates dated 1955.

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The U.S. did not print any bills dated 1956.

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The first $1 silver certificates were dated 1886. Please check again.

What is the value of a 1957 one hundred dollar silver certificate?

Please check again. The only silver certificates dated 1957 were $1, not $100.

What is the value of a 1930 US 1 dollar silver certificate?

The U.S. didn't print any silver certificate bills dated 1930. Please check again and post a new question.

What is the value of a 1956 US 5 dollar silver certificate?

The U.S. didn't print any bills dated 1956.

What is the value of an 1896 US silver certificate?

Three different denominations of silver certificates are dated 1896. Please determine what you have, then look for the questions "What is the value of an 1896 US [denomination] dollar silver certificate?" for specific information.

What is the value of an 1888 US 1 dollar silver certificate?

The US didn't print any $1 silver certificates dated 1888. If it's dated 1886, please see the Related Question.

What is the value of a 1976 US 1 dollar silver certificate?

The last silver certificates were dated 1957, and no $1 bills were dated 1976. Please check your bill again and post a new question.