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For dairy and bottle calves: At two months you should begin to feed the calf grain. At about 3 months the calf should be eating hay and be limited to 1 bottle of milk a day. At 4 months the calf should be weaned.

For beef calves, they should be weaned when they are 6 to 8 months of age by separating them from their mothers for a few weeks to several months. Beef calves can be naturally weaned at about 10 to 11 months of age when the cow decides when her calf needs to be weaned. The weaning time will depend on how well the calf has grown, the body condition of the cows, the market a producer wants to target, and pasture condition and/or winter feed supplies. Some producers may be forced to early-wean their beef calves when they are 3 to 4 months of age due to decreased pasture conditions like drought, and/or the calf is "pulling his/her dam down" too much (i.e., the cow is loosing condition feeding her calf when she should be gaining when lactating).

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9y ago
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11y ago

Most producers prefer to wean calves when they're 6 months old, but many others will leave the calves on for longer, leaving them let the cows wean them off or taking them off when they're around 10 months of age. So it's all down to personal preference, really.

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13y ago

Age varies from 0 minutes (birth) to 6 or 10 months of age. After that, they are no longer calves.

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12y ago

In general, beef calves are weaned at 5-6 months of age. However, dairy calves are weaned at birth and raised by hand on bottles.

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12y ago

A calf will normally be weaned from its mother at 6 months of age if it is a beef cow; a dairy calf is not normally allowed to ever nurse from its mother and therefore is not weaned.

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10y ago

The typical weaning age of a beef calf is 6 months.

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13y ago

Calves' age range from 0 hours old to 6 to 10 months old.

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Q: When should calves be weaned from their mothers?
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Can weaned calves be pastured with their mothers?

They can, but only if they haven't been with their mothers for over 2 to 6 weeks after being first separated.

When is a calf fullgrown?

Calves remain calves until they are weaned from their mothers. From then on, they are not referred to as calves, but heifers, steers, or bulls. A calf is a general term for a young pre-weaned bovine that has been born from a cow. A cow is a fullgrown mature female bovine that has had at least 2 calves. A bull is a fullgrown mature male bovine that is used for breeding.

What age do you wean highland calves?

Highland calves can and should be weaned between the ages of 6 to 10 months of age.

Should you buy a weaned chinchilla or not?

that's a stupid question. Yes you should buy a weaned chinchilla, an unweaned chinchilla needs its mothers milk or it will die!

What is nursing calves?

Calves that are suckling milk from cows which would be their mothers.

Do you have to ween a cow?

You have to wean a CALF, not a cow. Cows are mature female bovines that have already been long sinced weaned from their mothers. But to answer the question, yes especially if you want to keep getting calves from your cows.

What is a calf after six month old?

Most calves are weaned by this time, thus may be still called calves, but others may call them heifers (if female), bulls (if intact) or steers (if castrated).

How long do cows breastfeed?

It's not "breast feeding". It's more or less called suckling or nursing. Calves need their mothers milk for about 3 months before they start to become more independent, eating forages that mom is eating, drinking water, but they still go to momma to nurse. In the dairy operations calves are weaned from milk formula when they are 3 months old. In the beef cattle industry and ranches, calves are officially weaned from their mommas when they are between 6 and 10 months old.

What is the weight of a weaned calf?

This all depends on the age that the calf was weaned and its breeding. Sex is irrelevant for this question, though heifers tend to weigh around 25 to 30 lbs less than bull or steer calves. British beef calves can weigh around 500 to 600 lbs when they are weaned around 6 months of age; when weaned at around 10 months of age, they can weigh around 750 to 800 lbs. Continentals on the other hand, will weigh around 700 to 750 at 6 months of age, and up to 900 lbs if they aren't weaned until they're around 10 months of age. Beef calves that are weaned earlier will weigh less than those that are weaned between 6 and 10 months of age. Dairy calves, which are weaned off the bottle or bucket, are often lighter. Holstein and Brown Swiss calves, when weaned at 3 months of age, will weigh around 200-275 lbs; Jersey calves weaned at the same age will more often weigh only 150 to 200 lbs. Remember thus: The smaller the calf, the lighter the weights. The earlier the calf is weaned, the lighter the calf will weight. And vice versa for both.

Do cows feed abandoned calves?

Yes, some lactating mothers will feed abandoned calves.

When should you remove cow afterbirth?

For dairy operations, they should be separated when the calf is a day or two old. These calves must be fed milk replacer in a bottle or bucket until they are around 3 months of age when they can be weaned and be on a diet of hay and grain. Dairy bull calves often don't have the luxury of meeting up with their mothers again. However, dairy heifers that are going into milk production may, though they don't have as much of a social structure between each other as beef cows do, since they spend most of their time in a stall. For beef operations, calves should be weaned when they are between 6 and 10 months old. If the cow is getting too thin before the calf is 6 months old or there is not enough feed to have the cows feed their calves to 6 months, early weaning at 3 or 4 months of age may be neccessary. Calves can either be separated by fence, or by taking them away to another pasture. But if calves are weaned with a EasyWean nose ring, they aren't separated from their mothers but instead allows the nose ring to make their mothers wean them. Heifers in these kind of herds never really leave their mothers nor sisters and aunts, but stay with them for life. Those heifers that are not good enough to stay on the farm, though, have to be separated from their dams. Steers, on the other hand, and most bull calves, are separated from their mothers by the time they are around 6 to 10 months of age.

What is the weaning age of cattle?

Most calves are weaned at around 6 to 10 months of age.