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To believe there is a God is simply to experience such divinity personally. If it is not possible to experience or interact with God personally then obviously he is only as real as Santa Claus. Anyone who claims to know God must be able to take you to him and if they cannot, then it should be obvious that they are absolute liars.


No one can "prove" you must believe everyone who thinks there is no God chose to not believe to not open their mind to the possibility that we have a father out there in heaven watching over us. This is a frequent question my answer is you just gottta know.


I agree with what he says, but you can most certainly prove the nonexistance of god. The converstion goes something like this:

Man tells god " You must prove to me you exist"

God replies" Proof denies faith, and without faith I am nothing"

Man says " what of the penguin?"

"What about Penguins?", god replied

" You can't tell me the penguin evolved into the form it is now. Which makes it proof you created it. Proof denies faith and without faith, you are nothing."

"Hmmm, I hadn't thought of that"God replies, as he disappears into a puff of logic.


I did not type that but here is my, and a bunch of scientists way to look at God existing or not.

Yes you can prove God exists. Well, maybe you as in you can't but a scientist has. He searched and searched for some information that would prove that God did not exist. But instead he found no information whatsoever other than we would not be here if it weren't for God because if we evolved, what made the thing we evolved from?


The only way we can truly know that God exists is if he either has revealed himself to us or will reveal himself. There is an intelligence design theory in science that argues for a designer of the universe, which seems to agree with theology on a creator. If intelligent design is correct (which I personally believe it is), then God's existence can be proven. I would argue that the universe is far too complex to have occured naturally, when you think about the Big Bang (there was one point in time were there was nothing, and then everything appeared immediately after) and the laws and constants governing it.

Also think about the Kalam cosmological argument:

1. Whatever begins to exist has a cause.

2. The Universe began to exist.

3. Therefore, the Universe had a cause.

The cause must be a supernatural one, if the universe contains all of nature.

You can't really know if God is there, it takes Faith, just like you don't know why the sun rises every day, it just does, and we have faith that it will...there is evidence all around you, it's just whether you believe it's there. Look at the world around you and then ask yourself, how was this created? If all life is intelligence, doesn't it make sense that there was a creator behind it all?


Look at the mountains, the seas, the animals, you and your family...what makes you, You! If you only have a seed of faith, pray and ask Him...He will answer you and testify to you that He is real.

there is no other possible answer to creation. God is evident through all of nature. there is historical evidence all throughout history. if you want more evidence in way more detail, get the book "Ready Defense" by Josh McDowell. it should answer a lot of questions. Another resource that is way better but harder to understand, is The Bible. it is the word of the one whom you are questioning and it is true!!!


You're faith. And we can also can feel him.(Depends if your Christian or receiving Jesus as your only savior in your heart) There's AC or something which means ''after Christ' and ''before Christ'' in History books but Scientists don't think that's true cause that will ruin their career and whatnot but God is real and he loves you. He gave the last of his last of his blood for you.


Look around you and ask yourself did this all come by chance, or was there some great eternal plan made by that being we call God. Some will have us believe that all of this came by chance, if this be so then what is the purpose of it all, what is to become of all that now lives and will eventually die? To say that all came by chance gives us nothing to live or die for. There is a God in His heaven, He is our Father, He organised us and we were his children long before we came to this earth. Everything that we see was planned in the heavens before they where placed upon the earth for man to enjoy. He is our Father and Jesus Christ is his son, just as we are His sons and daughters. How can we know this, the answer is simple, get upon thy knees and ask in faith if there is a God in His heaven and by the power of the Holy Ghost all things will be made known unto you. One must ask in faith never wavering and you will know for a surity that there is a God.


If you're looking for empirical proofs, good luck.


One reason we can know there is a God is that we are made in His image and so can know Him. Secondly we can know Him because He has revealed Himself through His word as well as through His light which is in every person. And even though human philosophy attempts to reason Him out of existence, He has not left Himself without witness in the Creation and in the very being called man, who is not just a highly evolved animal. What Francis Schaeffer called 'the mannishness of man' is beyond a naturalistic explanation as every culture has demonstrated a longing for God, or a search for meaning, which is the way man shows that in himself he knows that there is more to life than what we can see and perceive through merely scientific or technological means. This longing points to something outside of ourselves, which void people attempt to fill in various ways. No animal feels such restless search for meaning.


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