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Utilitarian attitudes are based on the principle of maximizing overall happiness or well-being for the greatest number of people. It involves making decisions that prioritize the greatest good for the greatest number, often involving weighing the benefits and harms of different actions. This ethical framework is focused on the consequences of actions and aims to promote the most positive outcomes for society as a whole.

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12y ago

The Utilitarian Movement was a achool of thought that existed in 17th Century England. In essence its protagonists held the view that actions should be carried out with the intention of them producing an efficacious outcome.

The most notable individual who supported this view was the Essayist John Stuart Mill. The work that most people consider his best and most influential was called "On Liberty". Everything in that essay is as valid in the 21st Century as it was then. Another essay was titled -as you might expect - Utilitarianism".
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