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Q: What is variable that is expected change because of another variable?
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What is the variable that is expected to change during an experiment is the?

The Independent variable

A variable that does not change as another variable changes-?

The variable that changes due to a change in another variable is known as 'dependant variable".

What is a variable that changes as another variable change?

the dependent variable

Another name for manipulated varible?

An independent variable. This is because you can manipulate the variable so it is said to be independent of the other variables. This is different from the dependent variable which is the variable you are measuring the change in. For example in an experiment to see how the amount of water given to a plant affects it's height, the amount of water is the independent variable, because it is the variable you can change, while the height of the plant is the dependent variable because we want to see how the change in the amount of water affects it.

What ios the variable you change to see how it affects another variable?


What responding variable?

is a condition that can change as the result of another variable's alteration.

What is meant by variable?

A variable is a characteristic which can change from one observational unit to another.

What is meant by a variable?

A variable is a characteristic which can change from one observational unit to another.

Does the IV in an experiment stay the same?

In a statistics experiment, the dependent variable is the event studied and expected to change whenever the independent variable is altered.So, yes, the IV can change when required.

What is the variable you can change to see how it affects another variable?

The independent variable. If it changes the other variable, then the other variable depends on it and consequently is the "dependent variable".

Difference between numeric constants and numeric variables in qbasic?

A constant is not supposed to change during program execution. A variable may change, in the sense that you assign a value, then another value, then another...A constant is not supposed to change during program execution. A variable may change, in the sense that you assign a value, then another value, then another...A constant is not supposed to change during program execution. A variable may change, in the sense that you assign a value, then another value, then another...A constant is not supposed to change during program execution. A variable may change, in the sense that you assign a value, then another value, then another...